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Top Review

January 16, 2024
I started with Fora in Oct 2023 and booked $120k in travel in just 3 months. Honestly I had absolutely no experience in travel aside from booking trips for my family. I thought it would be a good way to get a little extra income but knew nothing about the industry. Fora gave me every training I could ever need so I feel comfortable booking hotels, cruises, all inclusives. I have been very impressed not only by the training but the support and community. As a total newbie I was worried I wouldn't know what to do but now between the training and support, feel totally confident that no matter what I come across, someone at Fora can help me.
April 12, 2024

I have wanted to be a travel agent since a child. Fora has made my dream come true. I did an extensive search for the best host agency to join. Fora welcomed me and I am so thrilled to be part of the awesome Fora community. Fora is like a delightful luxury cruise. I have access to everything I need to be successful. I am not forced to do anything. I can do as little or as much as I want. I am confident that I am going to have a successful travel career with Fora. They provide the best training, support and community. Fora is the best host agency. I look forward to being with them for many years.

January 22, 2024

I joined FORA about 6 months ago! Thus far, I’ve been so thankful and very impressed with the focus and availability on advisor training. We’re really learning the core facets and nuances of navigating being a successful travel advisor. The support given from Fora HQ towards all advisors to help us thrive has been amazing. The entire FORA experience from initial training, booking support, marketing guidance, content creation, to engaging with our very informed and helpful FORA Community of Advisors, has been fantastic! Also, since joining, the FORA HQ Team is constantly giving us new tools and investing in ways to make life (and business!) for advisors easier, more streamlined, and more productive. Highly recommend FORA travel - 5 Stars!

Host Agency Response
April 12, 2024

Thank you Monica! It's really great working with you!

January 22, 2024

Registered myself at Marriott Star and Luminous Portal when they got the partnership. Got stripped of its access recently without any notifications. The only thing they said on the forum was that portal access to Marriott Star and Luminous is available to "Fora X" members, and that's after I already registered and down below in the descriptions of a webinar.

Star and Luminous deals only got posted on there and Fora is only providing it to a very limited few.

They also limit TA rates last year from 10 nights per year to 5 nights. Hidden inside their policy and without any notifications either.

Seriously disappointed by this.

Host Agency Response
January 22, 2024

Dear Fora Advisor,

Thank you for this feedback.

The Marriott Stars & Luminous login policy was determined by Marriott - however all promotions and deals are loaded in our booking platform as well as bookable on Marriott's main website with the appropriate rate codes.

Certainly there is no intent to hide any changes to our policies from our advisor community. Thank you for bringing this to our attention - we will review and discuss.

We appreciate your support and candor. best, Evan

January 16, 2024

I started with Fora in Oct 2023 and booked $120k in travel in just 3 months. Honestly I had absolutely no experience in travel aside from booking trips for my family. I thought it would be a good way to get a little extra income but knew nothing about the industry. Fora gave me every training I could ever need so I feel comfortable booking hotels, cruises, all inclusives. I have been very impressed not only by the training but the support and community. As a total newbie I was worried I wouldn't know what to do but now between the training and support, feel totally confident that no matter what I come across, someone at Fora can help me.

Host Agency Response
January 22, 2024

What an accomplishment Lauren! Congratulations and here's to an amazing 2024 together !

January 16, 2024

I am a huge fan of all things Fora! Having recently joined Fora from another host agency, I can't even tell you how blown away I am with Fora's level of support and engagement from the HQ and Founder level. My experience with Fora is truly unparalleled and much appreciated! There are a plethora of resources to assist you to be a better Advisor to make the best recommendations for your clients, plus an amazing community of fellow advisors that supports you at every turn! I can't speak more highly of my experience thus far and in turn have only had happy clients!

Host Agency Response
January 22, 2024

Thank you Beth! It's so wonderful to have you on board!

January 15, 2024

I was just certified with Fora and I am having the best experience so far! This is a true community-oriented setup that I foresee being extremely helpful as I grow in my experience as an advisor. The HQ staff is extremely helpful and available, providing plenty of learning opportunity and encouraging togetherness among advisors to help each other along in our journeys.

Host Agency Response
April 12, 2024

I'm so glad you are enjoying the community approach! Thank you for your support!

January 15, 2024

I joined FORA in late 2023 as a side hustle. Given that this is my first time working within the travel industry, I have been thoroughly impressed by the training they provide their advisors. Everything proceeds at your own pace and there are multiple avenues to engage in training (live workshops, online modules, virtual topic-specific office hours, etc.).
The FORA team also values community amongst advisors, which is demonstrated through online forums, organized site inspections and other networking opportunities. They want their advisors to have what they need to be successful and even go so far as to provide marketing support/assets for a variety of platforms.
I would recommend FORA to anyone who has a passion for the travel industry, especially if you're a first timer looking to get your foot in the door. The resources available have made it possible for me to build my own business while still having a full time job.

Host Agency Response
April 12, 2024

Thank you Ciara! It's great having you in the community!

January 14, 2024

Great Support System. I am very grateful to have found the Fora community. They train you and put a host of resources right at your fingertips. If you’re brand new to the travel industry, they will walk you through that process but if you already are established in your travel career, you can run as fast as you want to run! I found the people at Fora to be incredibly kind and helpful. I appreciate that there’s not a lot of hoops or red tape to jump through. I feel like people are just there to support me and let me work at my own pace. It’s truly been a godsend! Can’t wait to keep running with my new career!

Host Agency Response
April 12, 2024

Thank you Kristel! You are off to an amazing start too!

January 13, 2024

Best travel agency EVER! 10/10 recommend. Both for newcomers and seasoned pros, their internal tooling, training and community support make it so easy to be the best travel advisor possible and scale your business. As a plus, the team are made up of some of the smartest people in the travel business.

January 13, 2024

I've been with FORA for over a year, and I honestly don't think they do a good job with support or materials provided compared to other host agencies. The commission split is not good, and the marketing materials are very "rinse and repeat" and do not help with sales at all. They don't help provide any leads unless you are selling $100k+ per year, and because they are a new agency, their commission rates with many of the cruise lines aren't on-par with other host agencies. They are also extremely slow to pay compared to other hosts, and a couple of my payments have gone "missing" - I was just told to check with my bank? They didn't even look into it further, and their payment system frequently "fails." The invoice system it generates is also very confusing and difficult to compare to bank statements to double check that all payments have been made. They seem really preoccupied with their outside appearance - bringing in new advisors, and getting more investors/funding.

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