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January 5, 2023
I joined Dugan's Travel in July of 2021 with no travel agent experience under my belt. I had discovered the joy of traveling only a few years before, and I was looking for a way to travel more and supplement my upcoming retirement income. I decided to give it a year's trial to see if I liked it and could make any money doing it. Dugan's agency was more than willing to take on a newbie and provided a multitude of training opportunities. If I've had questions on procedures or suppliers or just needed suggestions for great travel ideas for clients, I've always gotten feedback from the leadership team or from other agents in the Dugan's family via the Facebook page. I've never been left hanging on my own. I live in a small Midwestern town so I don't have a vast population to pull from for travel clients, but with the variety of training I've taken advantage of, I have been in the top 25 selling agents in 2022. I so enjoy the work I'm doing, now as a full-time agent since my recent retirement. I'm so thankful I took a chance to reach out to Dugan's Travel to ask how I could become a travel agent with their organization. I would encourage anyone looking for a host agency that truly cares you as an individual to contact them, as well.
May 16, 2012
Old Review

I have had the pleasure of working for Dugan's Travels for four years. I had taught for 33 years and was looking to retire and try my hand at something else while I was still able to. I spent many months researching the opportunities out there and kept coming back to Dugan's. I've never been sorry that I did.

Not only has the agency grown and gotten better, so have I. Each year my sales have increased as has my knowledge. I feel the training I received and the continuous support I've been given by the management as well as the other agents is responsible for this growth.

This year we got a new, modern website as well as Clientease which has made record keeping so much more efficient. None of this was of cost to the agents. If we have a question or need help, we simply ask and get very swift responses and assistance. Jennifer has selected excellent people to assist with the operations of Dugan's Travels as well.

I couldn't be happier that I made the choice of joining Dugan's Travels.

May 16, 2012
Old Review

After a frustrating experience with a host agency who stole my commissions & then filed bankruptcy protection so I couldn't sue, I found Dugans Travels. DO NOT believe the bad reviews. This agency is reputable, fair, friendly, & I am extremely happy I signed on with them. Training was extensive, commissions are paid timely, questions /emails are answered quickly, & fees are very low. I have been a part of Dugans for over 4 years, & I am extremely happy with everyone who works for Dugans, as well as Jennifer Dugan, the owner. Feel free to contact me if you have questions or concerns. I would be more than happy to answer/address them.

May 16, 2012
Old Review

As many of my fellow Dugan's agents have said, Dugan's gives us an opportunity to work from home (whether full time or part time) at our own pace doing what all of us love...selling travel.

Before joining Dugan's, I, too, researched several other host agencies who all required higher start up fees and higher monthly fees. I am so glad I chose Dugan's!

Jennifer, Barb, Angela have always been available to answer questions and give guidance when asked. And where else can you get advice from over 600 agents from all over the country on any destination you are researching.

My only regret is that I did not find Dungan's earlier!

May 16, 2012
Old Review

I have been a home-based agent with Dugan's for several years now and have built a very successful business.

I always get unlimited support from Jennifer, Barb & Angela, no matter what. I never felt like I'm bothering them with a question or a concern that I may have. They are very supportive when you need their assistance.

This is my business and Dugan's Travels is the vessel I use. I do not expect to have someone hold my hand and walk me through every aspect of the travel business. I read, I educate & I attend many trade shows and FAMS myself so that I can gain more and more knowledge about the travel industry. It's my responsibility to make my business grow, not theirs.

That is one of the reasons that I love working within Dugan's Travels, it really is my own business & because of this I have been able to prosper as a travel agent.

I read a few of the reviews complaining about the monthly fees and the termination of those who do not comply with the procedures.

If you can pay your mortgage, car payment, house utilities, etc. on the payment due date then why is it so difficult to pay the $10 monthly fee, if applicable? I just don't get it.

Long story short, I always wanted to be a travel agent and Dugan's Travels helped me achieve this goal. Thanks Jennifer, Barb & Angela.

May 16, 2012
Old Review

I have very poxitive things to say about this agency. They offer an inexpensive way for agents to have their own travel business. If you are not an experienced agent it is not the responsibility of the host agency to train you how to be an agent. That is YOUR responsibility. Dugans points out numerous training opportunities, seminars, webinars and opportunities to expand knowledge. I have been with them for about 5 years and things have changed greatly since then. The new commission process is wonderful- the new chatlist is professional and easy to use. Everything that is needed for an agent to run a successful business is available. This agency charges one of the lowest fees I have ever seen and to say that the owner is just in it for the money is not fair. $10 a month is not going to make or break her- however, I think she is more concerned about the professionalism that is portrayed. If you are not even paying your host agency on time- what are you doing with vendors that she has established a long relationship with, and what about your customers?? Nothing is free- everything has a price, and sometimes that price is taking responsibility. Dugans offers a great opportunity for even part time and non-experienced agents. I came in with about 17 years experience and I think they do a great job. If you want extensive training, and step by step lessons on how to be an agent then perhaps you should consider investing the time needed in classes and lessons. It is not Dugans agents to teach you everything- they offer you all the tools that you need.

May 16, 2012
Old Review

I signed up with Dugan's a few months ago. I found them to be extremely helpful. After the initial training there numerous opportunities for more education. It all depends on what you want to put into it and what niche you need more information for. If you have questions there is a forum where you can get advice and answers from other agents. I have learned a lot from this forum. It is great to have access to the knowledge of agents who have been doing this for quite awhile. Anytime that I have had a question for someone at the agency it has been answered very quickly.
I would definitely recommend Dugan's to anyone who is looking for a host agency.

May 16, 2012
Old Review

When I joined 9 years ago, Dugan's had less than 300 agents. Now it's over double that. The owner really worries (maybe too much) about pleasing the agents. She always tries to keep our costs as low as possible, so it is up to us to succeed or not. We had several chances to upgrade from the overworked yahoo & excel processes, but the response always seemed we didn't want to spend more money, so it took a while to get done.

I've explored other hosts -- even joined a couple & never found the support I get here. I haven't done Dugan's training in years, so I can't remember initial training, but it taught me the business. Occasionally I come across a new situation & have to dig a little, or ask someone what to do, but it's no big deal.

My #1 business asset is the experience of 600+ agents, many of whom are more than willing to offer advice on destinations, suppliers, client issues, business concerns, etc. I haven't been everywhere & neither have they. But we help each other.

The Management team has grown, for the better. I have gotten to know a couple of them thru emails, & feel I can ask them whatever I need.

There is an annual seminar arranged by Dugan's for all agents who want to/can participate at a very minimal cost. There are always many supplier reps there, and usually a ship inspection or 2.

As mentioned, we use Clientease to manage bookings & commissions. They have worked with us to customize our product to make things easier, and assure we are trained.

We also have a terrific new message board and networking website. This is my favorite upgrade! We have a section where we can get to know each other, and a section to help each other. There is also a 'library' for research & training opportunities.

Clientease has a terrific marketing app, and we also have access to's Engagement program.

I did not purchase a clamshell website, so I can't comment on that, but it is offered.

Dugan's Travels gets among the best commissions in the business. We are in the top tier of many, if not all, major suppliers. After 3 years, the split is 80/20, or you can pay a one-time fee for 100%.

The cost of doing business with this agency is so minimal, it is amazing we can't pay on time (but I have been guilty as well).
- I think there is a sign-up fee, but not sure how much.
- $10/month -- waived if you make $3,000 in sales.
- $50/yr E&O unless you provide proof you have your own.
- Any shipping fees incurred with mailing ID cards, checks, documents, etc.

The only other requirement is to not go 6 months without a booking. Any agent around long enough to remember YTB's downfall can understand that.

Violating any of these requirements is cause for termination (including not paying within 20 days of receiving your invoice - the same dates every month).

This agency isn't perfect, but it's the best place I've ever worked. There used to be messages on the yahoo group that annoyed me, but it has been a long time since we had that issue. What Dugan's really is, is a group of real people working together, all trying to build their own businesses. I have done favors for some & have asked favors of some. I hit snags along the way, but they got resolved. If there are personality problems, I attribute it to not being able to understand tone thru emails, & people taking things too personally, not unlike any real-life office. If you are respectful of others & really want an opportunity to grow a Travel business, I think Dugan's is the perfect place for you.

May 16, 2012
Old Review

Since being with Jennifer (Dugan's Travels) I have been aloud to work from home at my own pace and earn money doing what I LOVE to do. The training and help that I get from all employees under Jennifer has been wonderful! Of course there were some bumps in the road at the beginning but it looks as if she's taking the time to try to make things much easier on all of us! I have not booked allot of travel for others, just a few clients in the almost 3 years being with her, but I have enjoyed that I don't need to work 40 hours or have to check in with them every second of the day! I would recommend this host to anyone that is looking to book travel, having a great agency with well over 700 agents that will continue to give wonderful ideas to help build your business, and also a wonderful owner that has took her time to make up a wonderful training book and things for you to learn this industry! Jennifer to me is a wonderful host!!!

May 16, 2012
Old Review

I spent a lot of times researching host agencies when I decided to get into the business. I found that Dugans was a very good fit for me. It was reasonable, they have a very extensive learners manual, and everyone I have come in contact with has been more than willing to help. I don't have a problem paying my monthly fee on time because I expect my commission on time. Granit Dugans doesn't have control when they receive commissions but I
look at it as mutal respect.
As you can tell from the new changes that have taken place over the past year our technical achievements have been outstanding. I will be starting my third year with Dugans and I am very happy that I choose them for a host.

May 16, 2012
Old Review

Dugan's Travels has grown from a small host agency with fewer than 25 agents to a wonderful opportunity for +600 agents to work at home doing something they love. Dugan's works for me . . . I been with Jennifer since 1999 when there was only a handful of us. I wouldn't consider going any place else.

Jennifer pays her agents 75-100% of the total commissions they earn; start-up and monthly fees are very low. Travel was my retirement career dream job and Dugan's has allowed me to realize that dream.

Operating a home-based business means you have to be a self-starter. It's not for everyone. It's up to you to do what it takes to make your business profitable. I've spent many hours doing online training and have attended 3 week long Dugan's Seminars. All of this training is there for each and every agent. It's up to the agent to make it happen.

On the comments by Anonymous #1 and #2, technology doesn't sell travel. Agents sell travel. All the technology in the world cannot make you successful. It's the hard work that does it.

Dugan's works for me and +600 other agents. And Dugan's may very well for you too!

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