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January 5, 2023
I joined Dugan's Travel in July of 2021 with no travel agent experience under my belt. I had discovered the joy of traveling only a few years before, and I was looking for a way to travel more and supplement my upcoming retirement income. I decided to give it a year's trial to see if I liked it and could make any money doing it. Dugan's agency was more than willing to take on a newbie and provided a multitude of training opportunities. If I've had questions on procedures or suppliers or just needed suggestions for great travel ideas for clients, I've always gotten feedback from the leadership team or from other agents in the Dugan's family via the Facebook page. I've never been left hanging on my own. I live in a small Midwestern town so I don't have a vast population to pull from for travel clients, but with the variety of training I've taken advantage of, I have been in the top 25 selling agents in 2022. I so enjoy the work I'm doing, now as a full-time agent since my recent retirement. I'm so thankful I took a chance to reach out to Dugan's Travel to ask how I could become a travel agent with their organization. I would encourage anyone looking for a host agency that truly cares you as an individual to contact them, as well.
May 17, 2012
Old Review

I am with their agency for more than 5 years now i love the support and all that Dugans agents do and help and support each other a lot this is my second job but either way i love it over here
thanks Jennifer and all the team

May 17, 2012
Old Review

I have nothing bad to say about Dugans Travels and feel very lucky to have found them. I was new to the travel industry and Dugans has made it very easy for me to learn and grow my business. I feel that the $10 monthly fee is very reasonable if you don't meet quota - several other host agenices I looked into charged a lot more. I have never had a problem getting any of my questions answered or help with any thing I needed. Jennifer, Angela and Barb are all wonderful to work with and are quick at getting back to me. It helps so much to be able to ask other agents questions on destination and suppliers and I have never gotten any bad advice. The Clientease website is great - very easy to use and a great way to track commissions - I love that I can print out very professional invoices for my clients with my business logo on them. It is also a great experience to go to the yearly meetings - not only does it give you a chance to meet everyone in person but the training is amazing. I highly recommend Dugans to anyone looking at becoming a home based travel agent. Thanks to everyone at Dugans both staff and all the other agents!!

May 17, 2012
Old Review

I have been with Dugan's for a little over a year. As a complete novice to the travel industry, I can say that Dugan's has been VERY helpful in helping me learn the ropes and get established as an agent. Over the past year, I have seen tremendous changes in technology and organization of the company -- all for the better. The agency staff are friendly and helpful, and I have even received assistance from Jennifer herself from time to time (how many companies with 500-600 people can say that?). Everything is very well organized and commissions are paid in a timely manner. I most definitely would recommend Dugans to other home-based agents!

Host Agency Response
May 17, 2012

I forgot to mention that the agent network set up by Dugans is EXCELLENT. She has really fostered a helping-hands kind of atmosphere with her agents and everyone is quick to help each other with tips and information on destinations, itineraries, suppliers and just growing our business in general.

May 17, 2012
Old Review

I have been with Dugan's Travels for three years and have loved it. The training provided gives you everything you need to succeed in the business. The upgrades implemented recently dealing with commissions and chat etc. have made a big difference and helped a lot. With so many agents available in which to chat, there is always someone available to answer any questions you may have, whether it is about a destination you do not know or about a supplier. The commission and fees are very fair and reasonable. I feel this agency allows you to work your business to the level you wish; full time to just booking your own travel. I have had only one issue with a missed commission in my three years and Jennifer and her staff corrected this within two business days. I would recommend this agency to anyone who wishes to start their travel business.

May 17, 2012
Old Review

I started with Dugans about 3 1/2 years ago. I was new to the travel industry, but had the desire and determination to succeed. I wanted to learn at my own pace and Dugans gave me all the materials to do this along with a vast amount of experienced agents who were ready and willing to assist and answer questions. You get back what you put in. I researched many agencies before choosing Dugans. Dugans charges only $10 if you do not make $3000 in sales monthly. I believe I paid a $125 fee to start. What I got in return far out-weighed the low investment I made. One of the things I found is that Dugans really cares about its agents. There has never been a time that I have not had a question answered. I can also say that I hae been fortunate to meet my quota about 70% of the time since starting. How would I be able to do that unless I received some great training. Dugans provides resources to many webinars and seminars. I was also fortunate to attend a RCCL seminar at sea thru Dugans. Don't get me wrong, you have to do the work. No one is going to hold your hand, but if you are a self-employed person...who does?? Recently my father passed away, and Jennifer and the mgmt team took the time from their busy day to send me a personal card. I was really touched that with over 600 agents they took the time to send me the card. Making 80% commission split after 3 years with Dugans is also a great reason to work with this host company. I am very happy to be affiliated with Dugans and highly recommend this host agency to anyone new or experienced.

May 17, 2012
Old Review

I have been with Dugan's almost 5 years. When I decided to enter this business, I did my research. I ended up deciding to join Dugan's because of the initial training, low fees,commission percentages. All of this remains true to this day.

The efficiency of the agency has only improved over the years. From the new website and agent forum to the client database (that I don't have to pay for), my business has only grown. Even in this difficult economy.

Between the agents helping one another, the close relationships we have with some of the industries top suppliers, and the product training available by all of the suppliers I feel knowledgeable and empowered.

If you are a self starter, willing to learn with the help of others and on your own this is a great place to start your business. Every year brings more positive changes and even though there are 600+ agents it has always felt like a small family to me.

May 17, 2012
Old Review

I started with Dugan's two years ago. I was a brand new agent and the low start up fees made it possible to handle the cost while I was learning and my income was very low. I attended Dugan's seminar in L.A. last year and it was like "one-on-one" training from a ton of major suppliers plus we had a couple of ship inspections available. What more could one ask. Angela and Barb ran the conference because Jennifer was confined to home/bed, her twins were about to be born, but that did not mean the quality suffered. Jennifer has a well qualified staff. The addition of clientease, at no cost to the agents, was a major improvement, this past year, for the agency and the agents. The cost to the agency I'm sure was no small undertaking. Getting everyone train on the new system was no small job either. If you are looking for problems I'm sure you can find them but I'm very satisfied and I would recommend Dugan's to the others in the travel industry

May 17, 2012
Old Review

When I first joined I had tons of questions and someone has always helped me quickly. I went to my first seminar, and learned so much! Plus made a lot of new friends. I also am able to learn a lot from the forms that is there for all of us to use. Several questions were answered before I needed to ask. If you are looking fro a great group to be involved with I would highly recommend.

May 17, 2012
Old Review

For many years I really wanted to work in the travel industry. I researched, got information on travels schools, programs and host agencys. I never really felt that any of them were for me, and even felt leary of many of them, but then I found Dugans Travels and after doing some research I knew that it was the right fit for me. The training was good, the requirements "made" you stay on track and schedule, which can be hard to do working from home and if you aren't the most disciplined (i.e., there is always laundry to do, cleaning, working out, etc.).

Since I joined Dugans, Jennifer has purchased the Clientease program which is a really great way to keep track of your bookings, commission and clients, I love it. Along with Jennifer, Barb and Angela have worked very hard and patiently (I know they have been patient with me for sure)to get us all up and running with the new system, and I truly appreciate it, plus they always get back to me very shortly with answers or help I may need & Virginia has been right on with getting me the logins I need. I love the company website for its agents, especially the forums which have been a tremendous help. Not only have I have asked for help and unselfishly received it, but I also subscribed to the forums which go to my email, I have read and learned soo so much from questions and answers on topics I may or may not need but what an education!

I am a newbie and have much to learn but already in the 14 months I have been with Dugans I have come so far!! I am so happy to finally be doing what I have dreamed of and am excited about my future in this industry.

May 17, 2012
Old Review

I've been with Dugan's Travels since I started out in 2004. The agency clearly evolved over the time. In reality, it took Jennifer a little while to "get into the 21st century". But she's done it full on. I started out as a naive noobie who didn't understand how the business worked and, thanks to the support of many of the other agents as well as Jennifer and her staff, I'm now very happy with where I'm going.

You can get as much or as little support as you want/need. There are several offerings for website set up and hosting, plenty of agents to answer questions, a pretty good back office and a nice new agents only site for communication, support and just comradeship. Over the last few years we've had a seminar where different suppliers have given tips on how (and why) to sell their products.

I've always been confused/upset when someone posts an anonymous review that criticizes someone. And even more so when the poster is no longer associated with (in this case) the agency.

Knowing what I now know about the travel industry, Dugan's wouldn't have been attractive to me in 2004. But knowing what I know about the business now, Dugan's is definitely where I enjoy working and where I plan on staying.

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