What the Heck Are HAR's Luminary Awards?

Want to know a little more about HAR's Luminary Awards? Here's what we'll cover:

  1. What are Luminary Awards?
  2. How do hosts, franchises, or consortia qualify to get one?
  3. How can I make sure I'm notified when they're awarded next?

What are Luminary Awards?

In short, HAR's Luminary Awards are a way of recognizing the host agencies listed on our site that are engaged with the folks out there (that's you!) to support them in finding which host is best for them. We offer 5 different Luminary Awards:

1. The Supernova Award

HAR Top Host Agency Supernova Award Badge

Sometimes a star gets so big and so bright that it's about to explode. That sums up our supernova awards. Its criteria recognize the best host agencies in 2022 that have a 4.0 or higher average star rating, and have received at least one new review the previous year.

The badge to the left is what you'll see on host profiles who received one in the current year!

2. The Nebula Award

HAR Top Host Agency Nebula Award Badge

What is that faraway cloud of light brightening in the distance? They are the best host agencies of all sizes that have accumulated the most new reviews. We like to keep things fresh on the site and that includes reviews . . . and so do Nebula winners!

If you see that beauteous badge to the left on a profile, it means they won a nebula award in the past year!

3. The Constellation Award

HAR Top Host Agency Constellation Award Badge

Sure. Stars are bright and fun when they fly solo, but they're a lot more interesting to look at when they gather in groups and hang out in the sky in the shape of a horse, dog, or a mythical Greek hunter with a fancy belt and bow and arrows.

The HAR Constellation Award is for travel host agencies who engage on their profiles. They answer your questions. They respond to your reviews. They want you to be as informed as possible! How do you know? They have this badge on their profile!

4. The Data Scientist Award

HAR Top Host Agency Data Scientist Award Badge

We like data A LOT. You probably know by now that we proudly consider ourselves nerds, geeks, data-dorks, eggheads, dweebs . . . you get the idea. Every year we publish delectable data through our income survey and fee survey.

But guess what?! That great data doesn't come from thin air. Not even close. We partner with host agencies and franchises, that do a lot of legwork in reaching out to their ICs to participate! The Data Scientist award recognizes the best host travel agencies and franchises who make these Herculean efforts so our data is all the more stunning in our infographics. (Psst, this is the hardest Luminary Award to receive besides the Galaxy Award!)

5. The Galaxy Award

The Best Host Agency: 2021 Galaxy Award

The Galaxy Award, is for hosts who've gone the extra mile and received an award in EVERY category listed above. We get so excited about the Galaxy Award, that we reveal the winners with fancy videos!

Not gonna lie, this is a hard one for hosts and franchises to get! So if a host has a Galaxy badge on their profile, you know they mean business!

How do Hosts, Franchises, or Consortia Qualify to get a Luminary Award?

ANY travel company listed on the site can receive a Luminary regardless of the size of their IC/membership pool. We want to make it fair! We also like to be transparent. So below you can see a more detailed explanation of how to win each award:

Well That Sounds Fun! How Can I Make Sure I Find Out Who Wins One Next Time?

Never thought you'd ask . . . Just register for HAR's free Host Week event, and you'll be the first to know!

See Past Luminary Award Winners!

This isn't our first rodeo! You can find past Luminary Award winners here: