Contrary to popular belief, travel agents can offer big savings that Expedia can't, such as allowing you to pay in installments and put things on hold!
Host Agency Reviews' 2022 Travel Advisor Survey is LIVE! Learn why the data is so critical to advisors and who the supporters are that make it possible!
Exciting changes are in the air as Robin Sanchez, CTIE, is promoted to the position of President of Your Travel Center, Inc. dba Montecito Village Travel.
What restrictions do seller of travel laws have on how you charge service fees, and through whom? How does this affect hosted travel agents? Find out more!
The travel industry has changed over the years, but COVID’s caused agents to re-evaluate business partner. Aligning with the right host has become so important.
Travel Edge Network’s training platform addresses unique needs with a customizable plan, over 100 training hours, certificate programs, tech. support, and more.