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July 6, 2023
At first, most host agencies seem about the same. When I began interviewing with my shortlist of host agencies, it was clear to me that UTC was head and shoulders above the rest for a variety of reasons. From their personal mentorship program (MentorU) to supplier relationships, UTC continues to surpass my expectations. Even after graduating from MentorU, I feel ongoing support from the UTC team and my fellow independent affiliates of the UTC family. The culture of engagement, encouragement, and expertise has really helped me meet (and significantly surpass) my goals for the year. Simply put, UTC rocks!
June 15, 2021
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Uniglobe has been fantastic, especially during the pandemic. Their support is amazing, holding virtual conferences, supplier zoom meetings, weekly updates and even happy hours for us! I lucked out in finding UTC.

June 14, 2021
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As i started the process of becoming a new advisor I began to research host agencies (thank you host agency reviews)and the most important consideration was support and training. After narrowing down my “favorites” I quickly realized that Uniglobe had the perfect combo of support/training, industry affiliations and tech options. I signed on in March and have been extremely happy with the choice I’ve made. The training (MentorU) has been amazing. The instructors, Crystal and Rose are knowledgeable and effective in their instruction. The curriculum is focused and setup to get you selling travel quickly. The great thing about both of these ladies is that if the training needs to pivot based on a specific situation you’re dealing with they roll quickly into getting that issue/SOP sorted out for you. The support staff are amazingly quick when a request is made or an issue pops up. The Facebook group is welcoming and supportive. Finally, last but definitely not least, the vendor relationships are extensive and solid. Honestly, Uniglobe is a no brainer for a new advisor.

June 11, 2020
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I have nothing but great things to say about my time with UTC. What an amazing support team!! As a new agent in 2017, I was always able to get the help and training I needed to improve. Each year, my sales have grown and UTC has been right there to support me the entire way. Of course, my business is MY responsibility to nourish, but anytime I've requested a helping hand, I've received it. Their continued training opportunities are top notch, it's up to YOU to take advantage of them. I'm consistently impressed with our preferred suppliers, our camaraderie, and the quality of the agents UTC brings onboard. I'm looking forward to a long, and successful career working with UTC!

January 11, 2020
Old Review

I signed up for a HAR specifically to leave this review. Selecting Uniglobe was the best choice I've made since starting in this industry. I would not have been ABLE to start in this industry without them. Their MentorU program is excellent, with two mentors for one-on-one coaching - one mentor for the travel side of things, and one for the business side of things. It was due to the mentoring in the business side of things that I chose Uniglobe, and I haven't looked back. Too many HAs in this industry are focused ONLY on booking, and provide zero guidance on marketing or business planning, both of which are critical to the success of any new small business. The mentors themselves are veteran industry professionals, and to have some accountability, as well as someone to bounce ideas off of, or to brainstorm with, is invaluable. They don't just explain how to book - your Uniglobe mentors will walk you through the industry, explaining what you need to know, why you need to know it, and how to apply it to YOUR business.

In all transparency, I am a member of more than one HA, which I started with prior to Uniglobe. I joined the other one first because the price looked good. Once I joined the first HA, I realized very quickly that it was very hands-off. The other HA had no coaching program, and while they were always open to answering questions, I was so new to the industry, I didn't even know what questions to ask.

This is an extremely tough industry to learn, and while I'm all for learning by doing, learning by doing without proper guidance in this industry is a great way to expose yourself to legal liabilities and other pitfalls you are woefully unaware of as a newbie. Uniglobe does a fantastic job of setting their ICs up for success, instead of trial by fire.

Yes, Uniglobe requires a little financial investment to join, but they are worth EVERY penny! As I tell my now-clients, you get what you pay for. If you join Uniglobe, in 6 months you will be incredibly grateful you invested in yourself and your new business, because they will put you on the path to success.

February 19, 2019
Old Review

I just joined Uniglobe in September 2018 so I have not had much time to experience its full character as a host agency, but even after only 4 1/2 months I already have a lot of good things to say about my "new home." I have years of vacation rental booking experience and have passed the Travel Institute's Travel Agent Proficiency test, so I was not completely cold when I joined Uniglobe's MentorU. In fact, I resisted joining it at first because of my past experience. Now I find that my 4 months in MentorU has given me so much more practical knowledge and skills in being a travel advisor and running my business. My mentors have given me not only knowledge but also the confidence to step out there and work with clients. They gave me advice and encouragement and could be reached in a very timely manner when I needed them. Beyond the formal mentoring and support Uniglobe also provides tools to learn from other agents and share valuable experiences with each other. We have the online Forum where agents can post questions and other agents generously provide advice and suggestions. We also have Meet and Mentor Group Calls where a Uniglobe staff sponsors a teleconference with a guest speaker on a specific topic and other agents can join and participate in the conversation. In addition, Uniglobe has great Support and Accounting teams who respond very quickly to any questions, requests or issues. Uniglobe has a website that provides links to preferred suppliers complete with contact names and has administrative tools that make it easy for us to track our sales, commissions, etc. I keep hearing that Uniglobe is a family. From what I've seen so far, I already feel this to be true and I haven't even made it to the annual conference. I so look forward to meeting everybody at the one this coming March. I am so happy and proud to be part of the Uniglobe family.

April 17, 2017
Old Review

I decided to start a home based agency about a year ago and I am very pleased with the support and knowledge from the Uniglobe team. The training I received was very thorough and I would recommend them for anyone starting out new in the industry.

April 10, 2017
Old Review

We were brand spankin' new to the industry, and did a ton of research before deciding to sign on to Uniglobe, so, in a nutshell, here's why we made the right decision:

We had a passion for travel, and we had a vision for what we wanted our business to look like, and we didn't want to be "cookie-cutter" travel agents. We researched host agencies on this site and on other sites, and narrowed it down to a few agencies that seemed to be a good match for agents who are new to the industry. There were a few things that made Uniglobe the obvious choice:

1) The MentorU Program--they pair you up with two mentors who can provide one-on-one guidance as you learn the business. You learn (a) how to book travel (cruises, resort vacations, tours), but you also learn (b) how to market yourself and build your business. Since they understand that every business is different, they were totally supportive of us, even though we weren't looking for a "plug and play" business model. They'll support you as you develop your own business, and they provide helpful guidance along the way.

2) Uniglobe has terrific relationships with preferred providers, Their relationships are top drawer and it's never a stretch to find exactly what you need within their preferred network. And, on top of that, they've recently switched their consortium from leaders to Ensemble Travel Network. That's definitely a move for the better. Just in the first couple of weeks, we've already got new tools to support us, and a broader range of suppliers available to us.

3) Uniglobe is a family. I heard this when I signed up, and frankly, I thought it sounded kinda corny. But honestly, after being at my first conference with other Uniglobe-affiliated agents, it's absolutely true. I feel completely supported and connected to other agents who genuinely care about the success of my business, and, well, honestly, my personal well-being. It's crazy, but it's true. In just one long weekend, I made really terrific connections to the travel providers that I'd been booking for my clients, but also, was connected with some of the kindest, most supportive independent agents you could ever hope to meet. Not to mention that the staff at Uniglobe is hands-down the best.

I've been with Uniglobe for a short time, and admittedly, as someone new to the industry, I don't have another host agency to compare it to. But I really do believe that my research paid off--we found the best host agency for us, and after meeting their providers, staff and other agents face-to-face, I'm pretty sure that they're probably the best host agency, period.

January 17, 2017
Old Review

I have been in the industry for quite some time and I'm pleased to have Uniglobe as my host agency. It's very helpful with all of the connections and expertise that they offer. I can run my small agency yet still have the benefits of being a part of a large company. They offer many resources that wouldn't be available to me without them.

May 27, 2016
Old Review

When we closed our office almost 6 years ago to become a home based agency, we joined Uniglobe, not really knowing what we were in for.
I can certainly admit that it was the very best decision.
Working with all of the Uniglobe inside help is great. They are always willing to go the extra mile to answer any question.
I finally got to their conference last week at Club Med and can now at last put smiling faces to all the helpers that I have had.
Many thanks to Betsy and and all of her group.

May 19, 2016
Old Review

I have been a member of UNIGLOBE host agency for over 5 years. They are a progressive host agency. They are always looking to educate their travel consultants. UNIGLOBE provides the tools needed to book travel both with excellent computer programs and offer a wide list of preferred travel Vendors. The staff of UNIGLOBE is extremely professional and very helpful. In addtion they offer bilingual staff which is important,

They treat their travel consultants members like gold and with go the extra mile to help them always. I am fortunate to be a member of such a fantastic host agency.

Susan Rice
President New Era Travel

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