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Top Review

October 31, 2023
It has been a year since I signed up with OA. Now is a great time to share my experience with you if you looking for a new host ( like I was) or are a new agent looking to join the tourism trade. OA is a GREAT host. No doubt. Before joining them, I simply picked up the phone and called them to speak with the owner. I had zero expectation of this actually happening but was pleasantly surprised when Chad Burt came on the line and spent a good half an hour speaking with me and answering all my questions. I signed up the same day. It didn't take me much time to understand their systems and if I had a question, the OA staff was very quick with their email replies. Best way to communicate with them. They have brilliant internal systems set up for just this purpose. Agency staff and higher-ups are almost always available for insight and help as and when needed. They are highly professional ( yet super funny on socials). I had a chance to meet most of the staff at one of their TA conferences and the vibe is that of one big family. For new agents, they have mentors for initial support. Though I have industry experience, I still set up a call with a mentor just to test the new waters. It was a lovely call. They have great contracts with vendors, resorts, and consolidators across the world. Their payment system is top-notch with very little room for confusion. Payments have been on time on expected dates. The split is also one of the best ( that I know of) ( Ex host had a terrible split and I wish I had known of OA before). All in all, I highly recommend Outside Agents. It has been a great year with them. Happy Travel!
November 19, 2013
Old Review

Outside Agents is currently my host and by far the best one that I have worked with over the past several years.

I am closing down commitments with a prior host because of the great support and outreach that outside agents have provided me. I will outline that I was skeptical at first when joining up with them and kept my options open with my former host. It just didn't seem to make sense to me that something without monthly fees and dues could work effectively. Happily I was proven wrong. I have received commissions in a timely manner and the staff is always there to support you and follow up in a timely manner. With OA you can be as productive as you want to be and make the most out of your business. That is what I really like about Outside Agents they don't make promises or imply you will bring in six digit figures over night, they are just committed to making you as successful as you want to be. This is very evident by the commission rate structure they have in place. Commission rates are great for anyone new to the business and even better for more seasoned agents that are productive. You will not be" nickel-ed" to death with small fees or transaction charges that happen at other hosts.

In conclusion, if your a self starter, love to learn independently and want to grown your own business this is your host. Outside agents has a very straight forward business and the support is great. You truly are given the tools to make YOUR business as successful as YOU want it to be without investing a great deal of your money. Money that can be used on YOUR marketing and not the hosts!!!

November 19, 2013
Old Review

Outside Agents is everything you want from a host, and more. They are connected with the best suppliers at the highest percentages and offer so much training. It is a family owned business with exemplary staff. They pay on commissions twice a month, never an error or shortage. Their booking and reporting systems are not complicated at all. And they will take your calls and help, no matter how small the problem might be. I cannot think of one single reason not to work with them. Not a negative or weakness to comment on. I recommend them highly for new as well as experienced agents. OA truly rocks.

November 19, 2013
Old Review

I have been with Outside Agents (Cruises & Tours Unlimited) since 2008 and LOVE them. They are always there whenever I need vendor support. I do not feel like a number and call and speak with the owners most of the time when I have a question. I highly recommend them!!!

November 19, 2013
Old Review

I have been with OA for less than a year but am very pleased with them as my host agency.

I chose OA because of the sense of community there. The more experienced agents are always more than happy to help out us "newbies." The staff are also very helpful and are always available if I have a newbie question or concern.

I would recommend OA to anyone who's looking for a free host agency with full support.

Host Agency Response
May 1, 2014

I am a certified agent. I was with OA for at least 2 years had some bookings with them but only recently learned that the OA's policy requires at least a sale within 6 months otherwise you are not given access to Suppliers' University through OA. I am an independent agency now with no host, no pressure.

November 19, 2013
Old Review

This is my third and last host. I was very nervous about changing because of past experiences! Don't sign up with an agency that requires a year commitment. I was committed to paying them but they were not committed to earning it. I was ready to quit long before the year was up. The second host was better but no. So I signed with Outside Agents wondering if it was indeed to good to be true! After a year with them, I can positively say they are great! All the staff are great and quickly answer back to any inquiries. The forums give you contact with other agents who all give freely of time and information to help one another. If you are sincere in your interest to be travel agent, I highly recommend Outside Agents!

November 19, 2013
Old Review

I LOVE Outside Agents! I started three years ago with no idea of where to start. I just knew I loved Travel and felt compelled to at least try it as a venture. Three years later, I am full time working in the field. Where OA has been of great benefit is mentoring - when I had no clue, they told me where to go. When I didn't know what to expect, they showed me the ropes. Their commission grid is fantastic. To the point where I see no reason to go elsewhere... ever. They take care of all the appointment and red tape. I get one 1099 and work with multiple vendors. I love it - I adore the staff, and feel part of a group with the forum of other agents. We lift one another up and are eager to share advice and tips on how to be better and help your business grow. This is definitely the best choice I could have made for my business and I believe is also why I am as successful as I am. Thank you OA.

November 19, 2013
Old Review

We joined another host because we thought if it was free then it would not be as good. Boy were we wrong. The help from Chad and Steve is always there. Everyone at Outside Agents is super helpful but mentioned Chad and Steve because they are the owners and always accessible. The training in really good and easy to understand. We wish we had not wasted the money with the other host. The forum that they have is great as the other agents are more than happy to help you with any problems. If you are looking for a host agency then this is definitely the one to join. Plus it is FREE!!!

November 19, 2013
Old Review

Outside Agents is our third or fourth host. Their support is second to none. Cost of "membership" is the best we've experienced. Top commissions, paid promptly and we feel more like family than revenue streams. Always the personal touch when we need support.

November 19, 2013
Old Review

I had personally traveled to 21 foreign countries and 49 of the 50 United States (bet you can't guess which one I've never been to?, lol) before deciding to become a home-based travel agent in early 2013... When I got the invitation to join I couldn't help but notice how terrific the website details were. The first thing that intrigued me was the ability to click on a few headlines and easily find some valuable information on many areas of the world I had never been to; this tantalized my senses and made me want to explore more options. I knew right away this was the right place for me!

I am happy the OutsideAgent mentoring program exists and relish the educational benefits available which enhance our knowledge and understanding of travel. I have already taken the initial steps to complete the Travel Institutes Agent programs and have already finished the AM Resorts and the Guadeloupe Islands Master Agent programs giving the confidence to book clients there today. I look forward to completing all of Outside Agents educational programs and am excited to learn about ways to improve service to my amazing world traveling customers. Thanks OutsideAgents!

June 21, 2013
Old Review

I have been with OA since 2007. After much investigating alot of host agencies, I kept coming back to OA. I called and talked with Chad and signed up immediately. They have been wonderful, patient, and were always available when I needed help.
I am reassured that I made the right choice whenever I speak with suppliers who have the utmost respect for Steve and Chad. They tell me what great guys they are and how professional they are. The office support is fantastic, so helpful.
They are the BEST!!!!

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