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Do you provide access to FAM trips?
Asked by Brian Wamsley on February 22, 2023 in General

We are the industry's leader in agent education and development. As such, we strongly support all types of agent education, including FAMiliarization trip. We require thaqt agents attain and maintain a 3 to 1 ratio of client to self bookings in addition to meeting vendor requirements to be eligible to participate.

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Hi Brian! Yes we do provide access to FAM Trips!

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Can you share which CRM O.A. utilizes?
Asked by Elizabeth Kelly on February 22, 2023 in General

Our primary platform is a highly customized version of TravelESoutions' platform which allows you to manage your business, your clients, your agents, and automate the things that you want to automate.

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We use TESS :)

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Is your marketing material provided through the $41 plan customizable (text and photos)?
Asked by Elizabeth Kelly on February 14, 2023 in General

Absolutely. While some of it is "flat" (meaning you can add layers but can edit what's already there), a growing portion is completely editable. All materials are designed to promote your brand 1st and vendor branding 2nd! This is, after all, about YOU!

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Hi Elizabeth! Yes all of our Marketing Material is editable on both plans!

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As a brand new agent, just starting out, are you able to book tours, airfare, and hotels for yourself and earn a commission on each of them?
Asked by Jodie Baker on December 13, 2022 in General

Hi, While we encourage agents to enjoy all the benefits afforded them by being an agent, we do require that all agents attain and maintain a 3 to 1 ratio of client to self-bookings in order to be eligible for TA rates for commission on their own personal bookings.

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Since your under the consortium of Travel Leaders Network, are we able to use any of their products such as marketing or lead generation? Thanks
Asked by Jason Petrone on December 10, 2022 in General

Absolutely! We are one of their top 8 members. As such, they make virtually all of their products and services available to our agents without cost to them.

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