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Can I cancel my subscription any time?
Asked by FARSHID HEIDARIAN on October 4, 2022 in Pricing

Yes, of course. We make it easier to leave than it is to sign up. We want you to stay because you want to, not because you have to.

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Do you provide any ticketing platforms ?
Asked by FARSHID HEIDARIAN on October 4, 2022 in General

Yes, though not GDS. We use web based platforms to connect to air consolidators for air.

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Do you work with travel agents with authorized work permits in the US but are not US citizens?
Asked by Blue G on September 2, 2022 in General

Given the nature of the topic and the unique circumstances of each persons situation, it would be best to discuss this over the phone. Please feel free to reach out to 866.208.5604.

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Can you please elaborate on the IRS requirements? Have been an IC with another host for a couple of years. Have all IRS documentation in place.

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Unfortunately, due to the requirements of the IRS, we are only able to work with US citizens residing in the US and selling to North American clients.

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What is the benefit to joining a host agency that is also a travel agency (hybrid) as opposed to a host agency only?
Asked by Tresa Webb on July 23, 2022 in General

This is a great question. While some agents may see a host with a retail division as competition, we see it as a huge advantage to our agents. We've been in business for 30 years with us operating as a traditional retail agency for the first 15 years. We have two (yes, TWO) inside agents (out of nearly 7000 IC's) that have both been with us for nearly 20 years. We do no retail advertising to speak of and we defer any agent clients that might contact us by accident to their agent. They simply handle past clients. Far more importantly, they give us and our agents insights based on their real-world real-time experience.

So, the biggest advantage to you in joining a hybrid is having access to the hosts retail agents as mentors and coaches. It doesn't get any better!

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when do IC get paid? I know bi-weekly but is it when the trip is booked, travel date, or when cust returns from trip?
Asked by Charnai Johnson on July 4, 2022 in General

We pay weekly via direct deposit. We pay you on the Tuesday following our receipt of the commission from the vendor regardless of travel date.

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