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I’m brand new to this, do I need to start my LLC prior to starting with OA?
Asked by Shanea Johns on August 4, 2023 in General

Hi Shanea!
You do not, when you sign up with OutsideAgents you have all the tools and resources needed to begin selling travel
- Isabella

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What is your policy regarding IC's charging planning fees? Is this allowed? If so, is the IC required to pay you a portion of the fees as well?
Asked by Rachel Minadeo on August 1, 2023 in General

Hi Rachel!
You are more than welcomed to charge planning fees :) They are subject to our commission split, which starting out will be 80/20.
- Isabella

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Are you listed as a "Premium" member with CLIA and as such are you able to offer the highest commission percentages from the top cruise lines?
Asked by Cindi Bolivar on July 25, 2023 in Pricing

Absolutely. As a matter of fact, we're a Diamond member, which reflects our status of being in the top 1% of host agencies.

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Hi Cindi!
Yes, we are. We offer top commissions with each cruise line.

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Does booking on airbnb quality?
Asked by Emily Henehan on June 27, 2023 in General

Hi, Unfortunately, AirBNB doesn't pay commissions. Luckily, we are the top producer in America for Expedia and VRBO, the latter of which is AIRBNB's biggest competitor.

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Hi Emily!
We would need more information, please feel free to email for more info!

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Anyone from Illinois with Outside Agents? I have state specific questions.
Asked by Amanda Daliege on June 12, 2023 in General

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