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what is arc and non arc agents? What does ARC do to help be a travel agent as opposed to not using it?
Asked by Shannon Hoffman on August 22, 2020 in General

ARC accreditation is for agencies that focus on selling air. We are a non-ARC agency as we focus on more lucrative products. As one of the top 2 hosts in America, we have found that being non-ARC allows us to focus in on "the good stuff" as we offer web-based tools that do all a GDS (the primary tool used by ARC agencies) does and more.

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When booking a trip for a client, do they have the ability to set up a payment plan or do all costs have to paid up front?
Asked by Jessica Bruner on June 5, 2020 in General

Yes, depending on the vendors policies. Most will accept deposits and additional payments up to the final payment date.

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How many vendors are you associated with?
Asked by Kelly A on May 18, 2020 in General

Hi. We are recognized as a top producer at the national level with virtually every vendor in the industry. We work with pretty much every reputable vendor available.

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How does OA differ from MLM host agencies? What are the requirements to keep your CLIA card if you currently have one before joining OA?
Asked by Kelly A on May 18, 2020 in General

We are 180 degrees from a MLM model. We offer no upstreams, downstreams, or any other types of pyramid revenue. We are 100% focused on helping you build your business, your brand, and your bottom line as a travel agency.

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should I get a website domain name and email before signing up with Outside Agents?
Asked by Brian Curtis on April 13, 2020 in General

I apologize for the delay. You don't need to do either prior to signing up with us. It is, however, strongly recommended that you get a domain and associated email sooner rather than later. In today's world, having a domain and email is a bare-minimum requirement for success in business.

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