I began my journey with Avoya about 6 months ago. The training was excellent. It is online so you can move at your own pace. There is live support every step of the way. The trainers have a great deal of expertise and are very patient. About five months ago I began with my first client. The excellent support continued with Avoya's Early Success program. They offer outstanding workshops conducted by experts in the field. Upon completion of their Early Success program, the support continues. With every question I've had or challenge I've encountered, the Avoya team has been there with timely responses. Their platform for booking and managing travel is excellent. It's user friendly! Lastly, I credit my success, over $900,000 is sales in less than 5 months time, with the training and support I've received from the Avoya team.
Becoming affiliated with Avoya Travel has been absolutely the best move I could have made for my business! Their staff treat you like family -- super friendly-they go out of their way to help you with any part of your business that might need improvement, advice, organization...anything, really. If you understand the system, you understand how to get the better leads. All kinds of training is available ...these people genuinely care about your success!
First I want to say that for any professional and experienced travel agent, there is no better host agency to affiliate with than Avoya Travel/American Express. Before joining Avoya Travel in 2008, I reviewed, re-reviewed and spoke with many host travel agencies. Not one other host company compared to Avoya Travel especially in terms of ethics, support, technology, training and the LiveLeads program. Rest assured, Avoya Travel is NOT a pyramid scheme in any way shape or form.
What a potential Independant Affiliates needs to realize is that we are each running our own independant travel company under the umbrella of Avoay Travel/American Express. Our success or failure lies soley within ourselves. I simply do not understand how a former Independant Affiliate could or would find any fault with a companies' lead generation program that provides, at no charge to us and at Avoya's great expense, credible and qualified telephone and email leads to their affiliates. These leads comprise at least 90% of my business. Are there "shoppers" out there simply looking or wanting "rock bottom" prices? Absolutley. But, once they have booked that low cost cruise or land excursion with me, I strive to make them my client for life. But without that lead from Avoya, I would have never gotten that booking to start with. I cannot tell you the number of clients that start with a less expensive vacation and then in a few months are booking high end cruises, land tours or hotels. As an Independant Affiliate of Avoya Travel and a business owner, it is our duty and obligation to nurture that lead to a booking. Not everyone that looks today will book today. This is not a "one call close" industry. But, they will book with someone and I want to make sure it is with me! As far as "feeding high-end leads" to select Independant Affiliates, that is simply false. As business owners we are in complete control, through our specialties dashboard, of what vendor leads will be offered to us. If I only have Carnival and NCL in my specialties, I will probably never get a Crystal or Regent lead. If I want to sell the high end cruises and tours, I learn the product through Avoya Travel and/or vendor training and then have that vendor added to my specialties to sell. Again, Avoya allows me to be in complete control of this.
Choosing a host agency is a very important decision. We consider ourselves a family and affiliating with Avoya Travel/American Express has been truly one of the best decisions that I have made in my lifetime.
I have been with Avoya going on my 6th year and this is the smartest decision that I ever made for myself and my family. I have been in the travel industry for over 16 years and over 6 years ago I decided to go out on my own (I was in a traditional store front agency for 10 years)
I reviewed many host agencies, looked around and the more I looked the more I kept coming back to Avoya. They are a family run business who put us, the agents first...I have never been happier in my life with this decision.
The support from the Avoya Team is absolutely Amazing, at any time if I have a question or need any assistance they are a phone call or an email away. The technology is the best in the industry.
The friendships that have been built with the other agents is great, you never feel alone...Everyone is here to help each other grow their businesses...together.
The lead program is the best, there is no way sitting in my home office that I could ever build the clients that I have...I can work from anywhere anytime...I dont have to be chained to my desk...I have worked from my balcony on a cruise ship, from the coliseum in Rome and the Eiffel Tower in Paris. Your office and your business go with you and you work when you want...as long as it is with professionalism and integrity.
Avoya is helping me lead the life that I want to...If you are looking for a host agency that values you as a person, not a number then go to joinavc.com you will not be sorry...
I am a new agent with Avoya. So far, it has been a great experience for me. I was relying on the live lead program and it has been working out well!! The support staff is amazing and everyone in the company is so helpful. I am so happy that I made the decision to join Avoya!!
I joined Avoya Travel in 2009 and I LOVE it.
Before, I used to be part of Global Travel International, which was a horrible experience.. But now with Avoya I love the fact that we have so much support. We have the best tech support and the best service to agents in the industry.
I can work from any computer and when on the road all I need is my cell phone and a tablet and I can still take leads, book and give great customer service.
The live leads is the best part as the program allows you to take live phone calls with real customers or to take web-leads ... it's up to you!
If you are at the airport waiting for a flight...or your child has friends over... perfect time to take a web-lead.. simply send the quote by email and follow up later by phone when you are in a quite place where you can talk and look at the computer.
Thanks Avoya for the great opportunity !
I have been with Avoya Travel for the past three years, and have only positive things to say about it. While there may be times that the leads don't pan out, or your sales seem few and far between, I firmly believe it's all what you put into it. What agency guarantees you'll make every sale? Telephone sales are extremely tough in today's very competitive online environment, and you must work hard to get the sale. I read a comment that the viable leads were given to only the top agents, which is not true at all, however if you were the owner of those leads, would you not give them to the agents you knew could close those sales? It only makes good business sense that the more you sell, the more opportunities will be available to you.
Avoya is ethical and professional, and from my perspective, highly regarded by industry professionals. I have been in the industry for over 25 years, and have worked in mom & pop agencies as well as all of the megas. I was very impressed by Avoya's technology and the tools and support they provide their affiliates to do their job and be successful. They give me everything I need to build my business, but at the end of the day, it's all up to me!
I joined Avoya less than 2 years ago and in my first full year I made the "Best of the Best" and 98% of my sales were from the Avoya Leads!
I kept an eye on the company for 2 years before joining, as I knew I would not be able to bring my clients with me and would have to depend on Leads generated by Avoya. It has worked really well for me!
I am able to Specialize in certain products and my preferred vendors. They Leads come to you based on your production.
The Anderson Family, Staff and Technical Team are extremely supportive and respond quickly to questions and issues. Continuing Education is always available and we have a terrific relationship with the Vendors. Of course the American Express Affiliation is a Big Plus.
We also have a MasterMind Program which is a great asset for increasing sales!
I joined Avoya Travel 6 hears ago. This agency is a home based agency with an amazing technology, support system, and leads that are offered to agents via their home computer.
In the six years with Avoya, I have excelled in my ability to earn, learn and advance my education as well as my client base.
The best part about Avoya Travel is you are in charge of your own business, and can do whatever you feel necessary to succeed. There are lots of support and programs to assist you if need be.
The commission is always paid on time, and if you need to have your commission early there is a program for that as well.
I have been in the travel industry for over 40 years, and feel the best decision I made was joining Avoya Travel!
The rest is up to you!
Just like everything in Life-you get out, what you put in.
I have been in the industry quite a long time-One of the KEY things that made my decision to join was the leads and the affiliation with American Express. I know that Standards of American Express and Avoya is right on target. I also know Amex is careful where they share their name and that name is GOLDEN. (IMO)
The support that you get is the very best of anywhere I have worked. As an agent you would know support at avoya like your help desk like an agency has. They are THE BEST .
There are constant classes ,webinars you can join in on to get to know travel better all the time, Every week.
Travel changes constantly -so for me--this is great!
Jobs were scarce and still are....and it took me several months to decide on this company and I am more than happy that I chose Avoya. I have worked at home in the past and wanted to make sure this was for me. I love IT!
I am sure you will see some disgruntle employee's anywhere you go.
You get out what you put in - again-nuff said about that.
You do get to work when you want and every lead won't close- so you do your best,.
This company will work with you and help you any and very way they can-
There is a mastermind class with webcams so we can get to know one another, Share ideas and knowledge with each other, There are cruises & trips (meetings) we can take to really get to know one another and the industry.
The leads--There all l kinds, just like any business- some are good some are shoppers, The customer looked at us for a reason. There is competition ,and there always will be- Avoya will help you Match prices and of course you have to give a little to get a little at times I do-I want my customer to come back. That is worth it to me.
IT IS UP to YOU when you work, how you work and where. You should know the business and there is training and further training after you get on board and it is constant and always up to you you to take.
My numbers go up and down and I take the training to improve myself.
I was really irritated when I saw someone say a negative thing about Avoya, in my opinion , Avoya gives you every chance there is to make it work.
The I A's are always willing to help too. The other agents -Independent Affiliates(IA)
You get your own website, your own 800 number -leads, Training, prizes, Commission splits and a staff and other agents , that will bend over backwards to help. I don't have a problem with Avoya and I am happy to be a part of this company.
My question is why NOT JOIN? I love having my own Business and the support of Avoya, and the STRIVE to do better , is always there for you.
I signed a contract with prior agencies, not to take customers so for me, for now, I take the Avoya leads and I always strive to learn more and do better and am not forced into anything. I am now learning how to grow my own customer base again. It is up to me to do this and marketing in set up for you with guidelines so you can't go wrong.
My question is WHY NOT?
I wanted to give a review of Avoya to any agency who may be looking for a host. Avoya is a combination of outstanding technology, great support and live leads for every agent.
I have seen a lot of comments about the leads and how they are viewed as poor. I can see where an agent who may have worked for a brick and mortar firm who had walk-ins and a substantial client base would feel the leads from Avoya were weak, they are not weak but they are different - they are in many cases, better.
You are actually getting the clients at an earlier point in the booking process. This gives you the advantage of building a relationship with the client before you are in a finalization mode. That relationship builds loyalty and helps you keep clients long term. Its not a waste of time, it's an investment in your business.
With any sales program the leads come in many shapes and sizes - from the lookie-loos to the guy who is holding his credit card in hand ready to book - I have had both at Avoya and the majority of the leads I have received have fallen in the middle of these two examples.
In response to an earlier poster about the working relationship with Avoya when you have personal issues causing an interruption to your workflow, I have to say my experience was polar opposite.
In June of 2012 I was diagnosed with cancer and had to start treatment right away. The treatments left me unable to focus and effected my short term memories making it impossible to service clients in the way they need to be.
As soon as I knew what was ahead for me I contacted Avoya and advised them of my situation. The next day I was contacted by the VP of sales who told me to take care of myself and not to worry, my Avoya family would be there with me every step of the way.
Since that time I have received check up calls, supportive and heartwarming cards in the mail and continued support from HQ. I requested a partial leave of absence so that I would be able to take care of my current clients and not take any new ones until I was confident that I could provide the level of service my clients deserve.
My treatment ends this month and I cant wait to get back to full time in mid February. My Avoya family has been nothing but supportive and I am lucky to be part of such an awesome organization.
I am not one of the top producing high-end select few agents with Avoya. I had only been with the company 6 months and had just got rolling with my sales when this happened. The Avoya team treated me like I was a 20 year veteran and made me feel like I mattered.
If you are wanting a host agency that has as much compassion as they do technology- as much support as they do leads and as much opportunity as you are willing to work for then Avoya is for you.