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August 28, 2023
All I can say is WOW! I'm BRAND spanking new agent. I chose TPI for a few reasons over a few other agencies...the main reason was the support that was apparant. As a new agent, I'm overwhelmed. Still. Yet, I feel the support and the understanding from everyone, to get me on track to making sales. The CRM system will be amazing once I get it up and running. I can't wait to update this review in 2 months. I feel I haven't touched the surface on what I can do with TPI as my support. Go ROCKSTARS
December 7, 2018
Old Review

It took me a whole year to select a host agency. I had spoken to many representatives from other host agencies and they were very commercial. I wanted a host agency that I could grow with being new to the business. They guided me the whole step of the way. The seasoned agents are very accommodating and helpful. Jennifer Lee is one of the most pleasant people I have ever met. I love her spirit and encouragement. Thanks TPI!

December 6, 2018
Old Review

I came to to TPI two years ago, after my contract with another agency was up. I could not believe how, at home, everyone at TPI made me feel, how welcoming they always are, and how willing everyone at the home office always is to help. Moving to TPI was the best business decision I could have made, not only for the above reasons, but because this company does not try to make money off of you. Most of the tools I paid a fortune for in the past, are free, or next to free with TPI. This is a company that truly believes in it's agents, goes out of the way to help you succeed, and makes themselves open, and available to you always. When I say everyone, I mean, from the very top people in this company, home office staff and other agents. TPI truly does ROCK!!!

December 6, 2018
Old Review

Joining TPI was the best thing I ever did. In addition to increase in income, the training, support, etc. is the best in the industry. I almost signed up with Avoya but after looking at their contract, agent satisfaction and complaints I tore it up. I reviewed Nexion and didn't meet my needs. Travel Planners was straightforward , has delivered on everything they promised, takes action on agents requests for changes, provide abundant opportunity for training and bends over backwards to show us appreciation.

TPI is a family and the staff is easily accessible to members. As long as I am in the travel business, I will not leave them.

December 6, 2018
Old Review

After owning a brick and mortar agency, I switched to TPI. They may be a large host, but they have that small office/family vibe. I just love my TPI bunch

December 6, 2018
Old Review

I have been with TPI for about nine years. Prior to that I was with another host agency that turned out to be a nightmare and eventually went out of business. Even though I have 40+ years of experience as an agent owner, Travel Planners International has given me support, education, a sense of family, and tremendous success. They are honest, sincere, and bring everyone in with the idea of making them a a better business owner. As one of their top producers, I can say that we are all treated with respectand encouragement. I love getting my commissions on time, being able to see my sales at anytime and always having someone to answer questions or seek out help when needed. I would recommend anyone that is looking for a host agency to seriously consider Travel Planners International.

December 6, 2018
Old Review

What can I say. Best decision i have made. There are lots of choices out there but based on technology and customer service they were my number 1 pick. After meeting with them at one of the many conferences I have attended I knew I would not want to be anywhere else. Love them all!

December 6, 2018
Old Review

Where do I start ......??? This agency ROCKS !!!! I am so grateful to have found this agency to work with. My previous agency was not a good fit for me and thankfully I have now found my “ home” with TPI. Awesome, friendly and helpful staff, on-time commissions, easy to navigate accounting and back office support, fabulous ongoing training and marketing with various vendors and suppliers and great social media support such as agent forums etc. etc. As a newbie agent I never feel intimidated to ask for help or support. Highly recommend this host agency and I feel proud to be associated with them.

December 6, 2018
Old Review

Over 30 years in the travel industry working for brick and mortar travel agencies, back in December 2004, I made the smartest decision ever! I opened my own business and I joined TPI as my host agency. I have been a Platinum agent since they created this program. Being 14 years affiliated to the same company is a clear indication on how well they do their job!
There is absolutely not a single area in which they fail. None!
And the best part. You don’t feel you are a number, TPI makes you feel special and that you are part of a family. Thanks! Thanks TPI for helping me grow my business!

November 28, 2018
Old Review

I've been an agent for 1.5 years now and have enjoyed being with TPI. Such a fun host group and always available to help. Commission always paid on time too.

November 9, 2018
Old Review

EXCELLENT host agency! I've been with TPI since day one of my travel agent career and could not be happier with their commitment to continuously improve and grow to meet the ever changing needs of their small business owners. TPI works hard to bring supplier training to their agents, offers on-site education, multiple annual events throughout the country (and internationally), quick commission payments (up to once a week!), and so much more.

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