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Please elaborate on the leads program as I am new to the industry and consider this crucial to a successful jump start. TIA
Asked by Tom Holmgren on September 23, 2019 in General

We offer lead generation through Travel Leaders in addition to extensive marketing support, training, automated marketing systems.

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Do you provide leads like ASTA?
Asked by George Duncan on September 13, 2019 in Programs

We have a lead program through our consortia that works remarkable well for those agents that really leverage the platform.

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Do you offer Certified travel Agent training?
Asked by George Duncan on September 13, 2019 in Training

While we are the most awarded host in the industry for our training, we do not "certify" agents per se. Certification is available through recognized 3rd parties.

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When a Home Based Agent sign-up are the allowed to use the Company's CLAI & IATAN to book travel?
Asked by George Duncan on September 13, 2019 in General

Yes. You'll be using our credentials to book travel with vendors.

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I’m in wa state, do I need business license and seller of travel ?
Asked by Natalya Petrukhin on August 27, 2019 in General

You are covered under our seller of travel license. Business licensing is a county by county basis but I'd give us a call at 866.208.5604 x 210 for more information.

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You'll be operating under our seller of travel. You'll want to contact your county regarding business licensing.

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