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Top Review

June 13, 2023
I began my journey with Avoya about 6 months ago. The training was excellent. It is online so you can move at your own pace. There is live support every step of the way. The trainers have a great deal of expertise and are very patient. About five months ago I began with my first client. The excellent support continued with Avoya's Early Success program. They offer outstanding workshops conducted by experts in the field. Upon completion of their Early Success program, the support continues. With every question I've had or challenge I've encountered, the Avoya team has been there with timely responses. Their platform for booking and managing travel is excellent. It's user friendly! Lastly, I credit my success, over $900,000 is sales in less than 5 months time, with the training and support I've received from the Avoya team.
June 19, 2018
Old Review

I was planning to sign up with Avoya. After going through the required CLIA courses and doing all the prelims to start the business, I was provided the IA agreement to sign. Upon review of the agreement, there were several terms in the contract that were completely different and/or very vague in favor of the host agency:
1. The agreement states that Avoya "encourages" it's agents to obtain E&O insurance. There is no verbiage stating it's mandatory, nor are there limits set. Before the agreement could be finalized, I received an email stating that they REQUIRE E&O with Avoya also listed on policy, with minimum coverage of $500k. When I pointed out that their contract stated otherwise, I was told "you have to do it" if you want to work with us.
I was also told, verbally, that you can't participate in their Live Leads program without the E&O insurance, again there is nothing in their contract that states this condition regarding live leads. I have worked in other industries that require E&O, but always had the company cover the agent, not the other way around.
2. You have to include a credit card number on the agreement for charges and fees. The wording is "including, but not limited to" monthly fees etc. I was certainly not comfortable with this, as they could charge any amount for any reason and I would have no legal recourse. Again, they refused to change this clause.
Once I had initially inquired about joining, the were quite aggressive in pushing me to complete everything. I would be very wary of signing up with this company. Clearly a legal agreement is not binding to them and they feel they can make up requirements on the fly. This is not the was I do business, and decided to sign up with another host agency.

Host Agency Response
July 5, 2018

Hi Karin,

Thank you for your feedback. We take all reviews and feedback very seriously in our ongoing efforts to improve the Avoya Travel Network™.

Avoya has a well-earned and long-standing reputation as THE host agency that’s all about Integrity and Professionalism™, THE host agency with the highest support levels and THE host agency with the most successful Independent Agencies.

I’m very sorry that, in spite of our best efforts to be clear and upfront in all our communications with you, there were still some areas you did not think were clear enough. For example, while you say it was not clear to you that your independent agency would need to get an E&O policy with at least $500K we think it was made very clear, and here’s why.

On March 15, 2018, very early on in our efforts to determine if Avoya was a good fit for you and if your independent agency was qualified to join the Avoya Network, we sent you an email summarizing several important terms of our potential future relationship. One of these was regarding the need to obtain E&O insurance where we made it clear that a “minimum coverage of the E&O is $500,000”. We received a reply from you the same day, with no questions, stating “yes i acknowledge”. E&O was also discussed with you over several phone calls. I don’t know how the need for a $500K E&O insurance policy could have been made clearer.

You mention that in “other industries” the “agent” is provided E&O by the company. That may be true when the “agent” is really just an employee and not the owner and manager of their own business, but it’s not the case at Avoya. Independent Agencies in the Avoya Network are not just “agents”, they are truly independent business owners and, as such, pay their own expenses like all other real independent businesses.

Finally, you bring up our ability to charge your credit card for “monthly fees” and others, and that we could charge your credit card for “any amount for any reason and I would have no legal recourse”. That’s simply not true, nor is the claim that “a legal agreement is not binding to them”. Remember, our reputation as THE host agency known for Integrity and Professionalism has been earned by always “doing the right thing”.

We’ve refunded 100% of what you paid Avoya and wish you the best with your new host agency.

Steve Hirshan
Senior Vice President of Sales Support
Avoya Travel

June 19, 2018
Old Review

After extensive research, I chose Avoya as my host agency because of the requirements involved in order to join. Avoya ensures that you are educated about their company, the companies they partner with and the travel industry. I've been with them for a few months now and I know I made the right choice. I've gotten one on one mentoring, opportunities for continued learning and the marketing Avoya provides is amazing. I get leads every single day. I couldn't ask for a better Host company than Avoya!

June 4, 2018
Old Review

The support that I get from Avoya cannot be beat by any competitor. It has been a slow start for me but every time I had a question or problem, it was taken care of immediately. When I call a vendor and say I am with the Avoya Travel Network, things go a lot fastr and smoother. I would encourage all my friends to join Avoya. I thank you for your support and encouragement.

June 1, 2018
Old Review

Avoya has everything I need built in. I just have to know where to look or who to ask. The community forum is great. I just discovered it and it was very helpful. I now know I am not alone. There is a support system. Being new to the industry I have so much to learn and I have access to everything I need to be successful.

May 22, 2018
Old Review

The ongoing support provided. The feeling of "in-it together" is very real.

May 14, 2018
Old Review

Avoya does every thing it can to help make us successful

May 7, 2018
Old Review

I recently affiliated with Avoya and could not be happier with my decision. I graduated with a Bachelors Degree in Hospitality and Tourism, and have previous years experience working for Marriott Hotels. But my goal was to always be a Travel Agent. After years of being a stay-at-home Mom I wanted to jump back into my field. Throughout Career Quest, Avoya University, and the creation of my LLC they have held my hand and guided me every step of the way, and continue to assist me when I have questions. I'm happy to be "On Board" with Avoya.

May 3, 2018
Old Review

I can't say enough good things about Avoya. I tell potential Independant Agents that life before Avoya I was a travel agent that was wandering around going nowhere. After I joined Avoya now I'm the one going somewhere with a great network of people guiding me through the process. Avoya has made a big difference in my business and if you want to take this leap and have the drive and the passion the rewards are endless.

May 2, 2018
Old Review

I really appreciate how much time and effort goes into making sure everyone succeeds. I have always enjoyed being a travel agent and having my own agency just makes sense but there is always room to grow and improve and Avoya really helps with the process. The excitement and enthusiasm everyone has rubs off on me and I can't help but be excited every day I log into work. The suggestions always work as long as I apply them. I think its just fabulous how well of an oiled machine this is.

April 30, 2018
Old Review

What I love the most about Avoya is the work any where, any time aspect of it. I live in a separate state from my parents. December 2016 my Father took ill. He passed away the end of January 2017. Due to Avoya's work any where any time aspect I was able to go up and be with my Father during the illness and stay with my Mother after his passing and help take care of arrangements and still work and take care of my customers. With a sticks and bricks office I would have had to use all my vacation and sick time and possibly even go on family leave. There are other great things, but that's the biggest for me.

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