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January 17, 2024
A great company to work with. They are very knowledgeable, experienced and very supportive. Every time I had a question, I always got the support and information whether from inside sales or on Trevello Central. I have never had a concern or issue that was not resolved very fast. Always very helpful to me. Monthly updates are very informative but fun at the same time, the executive time is really amazing. Love them.
May 30, 2018
Old Review

A Retail Travel Agency veteran with 30+ years as a Travel Agent in Leisure, Corporate and Management roles I was able to leave the politics, drama and commute to live my dream of working for myself with my own travel business. I knew I wanted to be apart of Virtuoso and TPI is a Virtuoso Agency. As an experienced Travel Professional I thought when I joined I had great product knowledge, but I realized a whole new world was now open to me! I did not realize how limited not only the Travel Advisors but also the Clients had been by corporate contracts of the National Retail Travel Agencies I had worked for.

I have been able to define my niche specializations and build my business organically, demonstrating the value of working with a me as their Professional Virtuoso Travel Advisor. TPI as my host frees up the time I would spend in my business with back office with support there when I need it, so that I can focus on growing my business. I have surpassed my old corporate salary and am striving forward toward achieving my financial and travel goals.

August 22, 2017
Old Review

Hello All!

If you find yourself reading this, you are probably about to embark on one of the most rewarding careers you could ever ask for, OR, you may find yourself looking for other options for a new home. The latter is why I felt compelled to share a review.

From day 1, this is a business. The decision you make regarding your host is more important than you realize early on when you aren't experienced in the industry.

I came to TPI in December after spending time at other host agencies. This was not an easy ask, And my expectations were prettt high during my first transition week and they went above and beyond!

I had met a well respected agent at a local event and know immediately it was where I needed to be in order to operate my business like I need to. The respect within the community the advisers have, the respect from the suppliers is truly something you cannot pay for. I have a Regional Sales Manager who has been an incredible at supporting my business, listening to ideas, offering encouragement and being that second voice because of the experience she has in the industry.

I have transitioned to a full time consultant and the back end support TPI offers is like nothing I've experienced before. The entire team works diligently to ensure we are market leaders and it's very clear that they love what they do! I've been moved in my new home for almost a year and it seams like it's been Christmas every day. I am constantly amazed at their dedication to the industry, and how that translates into our business. Reputation is everything, and it will not take you long to see the impact the Brand can have on your personal business (and comissions!!!)

I'm grateful to be with TPI, and I encourage those looking to start on this career path to keep them as a strong contender in your search. My biggest regret is I wasn't there sooner, the company truly has changed my career and the life my family is now able to experience with me working from home.

August 22, 2017
Old Review

I have been with TPI for 4 years now.
Amazing support from head office. They work very hard to ensure we have the tools to succeed and make all of our businesses successful.
Lots of training and support whenever needed.

August 22, 2017
Old Review

My Story ...

I moved to Travel Professionals International (known in the industry as the Canadian and Professional version of TPI) almost a decade ago from another Canadian host agency and have not looked back.

TPI has been an amazing team to work with from the word go. The first thing that impressed me the most was the professionalism within the organization and the respect that they garnered in the entire travel industry because of this. Some host agencies have a reputation with suppliers of being more of a "Card Mill" and a place for people to go when they want "cheap travel" or "freebies" and are not truly engaged in the idea of creating unique experiences for clients.

TPI does their best to filter this out which has raised our standing in the industry which is largely the reason we were invited into the Virtuoso Travel Network. Joining Virtuoso was a game changer for TPI and all of our Travel Professionals, It has given us access to suppliers and amenities and value add's that we just not possible before joining.

Hot on the heels of our 4th Virtuoso Travel Week conference where we spent an entire week in Las Vegas meeting with the Who's Who of the travel industry I am still reeling. Our business has grown exponentially every year since joining Virtuoso and we have been able to cope with this growth thanks to our caring family with TPI.

Our TPI support system runs much deeper than our Back office/ Head office support team. TPI's advisor's have banded together to create an amazing network in which we support each other in a non competitive incredibly comprehensive support network. We do this with regional meetings, round tables and an information sharing forum that is second to none in the industry.

All this without even touching on the money subject .... Is TPI competitive ? We have had offers from many of our competitors to come and join them and not one has come close to the supplier commissions or the commission split that we receive from Travel Professionals.

Ask me if I am proud to be a TPI Travel Professional and you will get a resounding YES !!!

Thank you Morris Chia for your incredible vision .....

August 22, 2017
Old Review

I have been with TPI since I started in the travel business (5 years). I feel extremely blessed to be a part of this "family". They are always available to help out when needed. They are always looking for feedback from the agents, and take our requests very seriously.

Not only is head office always on hand to help, but the network of agents across Canada are welcoming and willing to share their knowledge as well.

I would highly recommend to anyone wanting to join a host agency to check TPI out.

August 22, 2017
Old Review

I joined in 2008 as a complete newbie, while working full-time as an R.N. My goal was to work full-time in travel by the time I retired as a nurse. This came to be much earlier than I was actually due to retire!

From day one, the training and support has been exemplary. Whatever I needed was made available to me, whether it was head office staff or the back office staff. The networking with my colleagues and preferred partner relationships has been and continues to be invaluable.

I am able to operate my business independently while remaining part of a host agency and benefitting from the resources and support.

I had big dreams when I started and even though they seemed to be unreachable, with hard work and determination, they have all come true. I retired early from nursing. And this year, I made the top 10 list for the entire agency - the Royal Chairman's Circle.

I would recommend TPI as a host agency - they've been doing this for over 20 years and are ever-evolving with industry changes to make sure its agents are supported 100%!

August 21, 2017
Old Review

Vey happy to be associated with TPI.

August 21, 2017
Old Review

I have been with TPI now for a little while. It has been the best move I could have made for my business. The training and support is amazing. Also the amount of knowledge because of the level of experience of the agents involved is absolutely incredible.

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