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November 30, 2022
A passion project in retirement that turned into a thriving business: Two reasons why and the how: First, a little background: After twenty years of trading risk arbitrage and equity derivatives in downtown manhattan, the time had come for chapter two, or no chapter at all; the latter option was not appealing. My dad said, "what about being a travel advisor? You love to travel, have a great client list and have been to +60 countries. We use an advisor and it makes all the difference in the world?" I love the idea, but where do you begin? With Wall Street clientele, the appeal of Virtuoso as the luxury leader in travel helped me narrow my search for a host agency on this very site. The other requirement was a real education; only GTN had both. The year-long program was vital to my success. One could launch without the education on the back of my extensive travel and business experience, but aren't your odds of success drastically higher if you are a true expert? Doesn't that take immersion and mentorship? Would I have done more damage to my budding travel reputation with the finance clients I hoped to convert to travel clients had I not? Would I get more than one chance from those clients? Fast forward to December 2021, I am in GTN's top producers club (top 30) in my first full year of business! I am invited to the Virtuoso ultraluxe community, attended Belmond's signature Bellini event for 10 USA advisors in Sicily and was on a top producer retreat with GTN. Without education, it would not have unfolded this way and certainly not this quickly. The second reason is: In real estate, the most valuable metric is location, location, location, but at a host agency, it is culture, culture, culture. The collaboration and support amongst advisors in our community is the silver bullet and goes hand in hand with the educational foundation of GTN. Imagine how much the collective mindshare benefits our clients. I was not expecting instant responses to questions or requests for advice yet opening up the browser to 7 responses in thirty minutes is common. It's another level of vetting and advocacy, but it only happens if the culture is there. We are not competing like local real estate agents who might compete for a listing in town. Our clients are worldwide, an enviable difference, and it means we are not competing so let's help each other win. We share tips, insights and experiences on our internal system in discussion groups that pale in comparison to snarky online forums. We travel together, 14 GTN advisors and I are just back from 12 days in Tanzania, and as a result, we grow together. It's made all the difference in professional growth inspired by culture and education. What more can you ask for?
February 22, 2021
Old Review

I thank my lucky stars that I happened to sit next to Sandy Saburn, Vice-President of Sales at Gifted Travel Network, at the Virtuoso Difference event in NYC in February of 2020. Her passion for travel was clear as she told me about the Travel MBA program for those new to the industry. I have spent 25 years as an ultrasound technologist so was really looking for mentoring on how to start a successful travel business. I took the plunge in July of 2020 and have never looked back. The program is perfect for me because I can go at my own pace as I continue to work part-time. Plus I have a business partner, and she works full-time, so it takes us longer than others to move forward. The program helps you determine your message and target audience through nail your niche sessions, probably the most important step in building your business. We also get help setting up our financials, learning about suppliers, but the most emphasis is put on marketing to ensure we have a steady stream of clients. What I love most about the program is the team's positivity, drive for excellence, and innovation. Meredith, Vanessa, Jen, Lisa and Sandy put their entire hearts and souls into training us. They are individually very special and have their own niches, but together they are a force of nature! Lisa Fletcher, who runs the MBA program, has the patience of a saint, answering all our questions through scheduled mentoring calls. Just recently, GTN has designed a new program, Travel Business University, which is the next step after the Travel MBA program is completed. I am so grateful that the mentoring will continue and that I will have the GTN team helping me through all stages of my travel business. Sign up to become of member of the GTN host agency STAT. It will be one of the best decisions you ever make!

Host Agency Response
February 22, 2021

We, too, thank our lucky stars that we have so many wonderful advisors like yourself in our network. Your contributions and passion for success truly bring so much to the table for your fellow advisors. We feel very fortunate to cross paths with so many talented business owners, new and experienced. We look forward to what 2021 and beyond has in store for you and your business. Thank you for entrusting us with your future as we dive into this together.

February 14, 2021
Old Review

I know I've written reviews for Gifted Travel Network before, but it bears repeating: Lisa Fletcher (mentor extraordinaire) and the Travel MBA Program is the reason I’m on the way to a very solid travel business today. I "graduated" from TMBA in May 2020, and despite the pandemic, I had solid sales thanks to a solid foundation despite the craziness of last year. 2021 is looking pretty solid, too! I wouldn’t be where I am today without her early guidance and continued guidance and support of the entire GTN team! ❤️ to them all!

Host Agency Response
February 22, 2021

We are so happy and proud to see you thrive! Lisa Fletcher, aka Momma Bear, and the whole GTN team is proud of you for sticking with it and flourishing during a challenging time. Keep it up!

January 24, 2021
Old Review

I'm writing my third review in 5 years on Gifted Travel Network because I believe in them so much. From being a complete rookie back in 2015, to becoming a Top Producer in 2019 and even 2020 (despite everything), GTN have supported me every single step of the way, no matter how my needs have changed.
Perhaps more than anything, their reaction to the changes that Covid have wrought has exemplified their core strengths, building a truly collaborative network of advisors, and educating them with best in class training using programs that are relevant both to our business and personal lives.
While I believe many travel related companies have somewhat understandably shirked their responsibilities in the last year, GTN have gone in the opposite direction, embraced the enforced changes to the industry and continue to inspire us advisors every single day. I wouldn't be anywhere else.

Host Agency Response
January 26, 2021

John, Thank you so much for your review. I am so glad we were able stay so strong during such a chaotic time over this past year due to the ever changing landscape of 2020 into 2021. You truly are valued in our GTN family. Thank you for all you do as well.

January 22, 2021
Old Review

We have been with Gifted Travel Network since we started our business in 2016 - we have grown with this amazing host agency and became one of the top producers in 2019 - the support at GTN is second to none, especially in 2020 when our world was turned upside down. They have supported all their agents providing a safe space for us during these trying times. They made adjustments to our fees to help us, provided weekly zoom calls to our agent community so we could collaborate and commiserate together. Their mottos during this tie has been "You got this - and We have YOU" and it's true. We just got back from an amazing top producers trip to Costa Rica with some of our other top producers and these are a special group of folks. Gifted Travel Network is continually growing and shifting their programs to work with our growing needs - We love Gifted Travel Network and wouldn't want to be anywhere else
Emer & Dervila "The Classy Lassies"

Host Agency Response
January 26, 2021

Emer, Thank you for the nice review. You and Dervila certainly have grown your business so much. We feel lucky to work with both of you! We love supporting our agents so they can flourish and succeed.
Thank you for choosing us!

December 21, 2020
Old Review

As I look back over the past year, I know that one of the best things for me in 2020, was joining Gifted Travel Network's (GTN) MBA Program. Being brand new to the travel industry, I can't imagine having started my business without GTN. I had no idea that COVID was going to become what it did. Yet looking back, it allowed me to truly immerse myself into the GTN incredible community and learning journey: not only the robust, comprehensive MBA program, but also to grow from the endless encouragement, wisdom, training and support I gained from my coach Lisa, and the remarkable people who lead GTN with positive energy, brilliance and vision. From understanding my niche market, to branding and launching my business, to marketing, selling and booking travel, combined with a truly inspired mindset, I feel ready and confident for the travel comeback! What is most remarkable about GTN, is the incredibly community of professional, vibrant and positive advisors who thrive in a collaborative environment where knowledge and experience is shared, successes are celebrated and difficult times are managed together with enormous encouragement and brilliance.

Whilst my cohort peers and I were just learning the ropes, we were part of wider forums and coaching calls where I wiriness the incredible professional and unyielding support and positivity GTN showed its advisors and all its valued staff through this most challenging year. GTN not only retained all its staff, but actually gained a staff member and to me, this is always a sign of excellent leadership.

Furthermore, I have been connected to an incredible network of extraordinary partners and suppliers too, and feel immensely proud when saying I'm with GTN - and am often told by them that I have made excellent choice in my host agency, and this comes from the fact that GTN nurture and values its relationships with valued partners as much as it does its advisors within GTN. I am so looking forward to a long rewarding relationship with GTN and have already signed up to the 'Boost' program - part of GTN's 'Travel Business University', to build on my foundations of the MBA program , and can't wait for the new travel year ahead, having GTN behind me!

Host Agency Response
January 26, 2021

Soldi, We are so glad you chose GTN. You fit right in with your travel expertise and witty humor. I love the way you have fully immersed yourself into the program as you are getting so much out of it. We love what you have started and can't wait for it to fully bloom! Congrats on your website and brand.

December 15, 2020
Old Review

Throughout the year of 2020 I have been enormously thankful for the team at GTN!!! All the members of the GTN team have remained steadfast in their support, camaraderie and positivity. Not only were they able to retain their entire team, they actually hired 1 additional associate AND created an amazing educational program designed to create a path to success and prosperity for all their members. The leadership team at GTN has created an environment of learning, growing and endless support for all of us. Meredith, Vanessa, Jen and the entire team have remained strong throughout the entire year providing us with an environment of hope, positive vibes and a future full of profits!!! I wake up every morning thanking my lucky stars for finding such a powerful team to bring me through this challenging year; a year that has been lined with a ton of silver.

October 27, 2020
Old Review

I left my former Host Agency just before the pandemic hit and am so glad I did! GTN is so much more than a host agency. It is a community of passionate, dedicated and supportive advisors. The leadership team is incredible and inspiring. The resources and partners are top notch and they all recognize the uniqueness of GTN. In other words, I highly recommend GTN and wish I had found them when I first joined the industry. I look forward to many more years of growth with this fantastic community.

October 19, 2020
Old Review

My journey as a Travel Advisor began approximately five years ago, though I only recently joined the Gifted Travel Network. I had been thinking for quite some time that I wanted to start my own company with my branding, garnering complete control over my communication and advertising to better align with my target market. I had put a mental pin in the idea, assuming I would gain a few more years of experience and further build my client base before making that leap. Then, 2020 occurred. My husband lost his job. With the effects of Covid-19 cancelling and stalling my business along with the rest of the industry, I was at a defining moment in my career. I knew the opportunity for me to launch my company and brand was waiting there for me. I researched host agencies and reached out to contacts, asking what seemed like a million questions. I even remember reading reviews on this very website. I knew that the Gifted Travel Network (GTN) was the best fit for me and could offer me exactly what I had always felt was missing in my career - my ownership. I am now proudly a member of GTN where I am encouraged to build my own strong brand, representing myself as I wish to my target market. I have all the tools I need to be successful; all I simply need to do is take advantage of what is right before me. I did not complete the Travel MBA program due to my experience and level of sales when I joined GTN; however, I have all the support I need with regards to programs new to me such as certain preferred vendors, GRASP - a commission tracking software or with logistics of bookings including Client Base questions. I cannot begin to explain how impressive the staff in the GTN office is from a responsiveness and professionalism standpoint. I have asked many questions since my start a few months ago, and every single question is answered expeditiously and with grace. As a side note, I am a former Disney Cast Member, so I can assure you that the guest experience is something I hold in high regard. I am also new to the world of Virtuoso and could not be more proud to be affiliated with a network who is a member of this prestigious consortia. I have been booking Virtuoso properties for clients since my first week with GTN and know that it has positively impacted my business in several ways. I have begun the Virtuoso marketing campaign (which is included!) which has also driven sales for my business. If you are several years into your career and looking to take that next step of launching your own company, GTN is the best option. It allows you to soar alongside other entrepreneurial-minded individuals. It allows you to be yourself and showcase your talents while having a team of people cheering for you. It allows you to be the best you can be.

September 5, 2020
Old Review

Gifted Travel Network has been a true blessing. I joined them just over a year ago and am so happy I did! The leadership team is truly "gifted" with so much expertise and professionalism. Their focus on building a business and not a hobby is unique in the huge selection of host agencies and has totally changed my business. I started as a travel advisor in 2015 and basically had to just figure it out without much direction at all. It can be overwhelming to learn about suppliers, destinations and booking systems not to mention branding and selling yourself. I wish that I would have started with their Travel MBA program in order to have the right mindset and process from the very beginning. I see so much success in their graduates. Whether you are just starting out or have been around for awhile, the value and support you get from being a GTN member is incredible. The GTN community is like a family and everyone helps and supports each other to be successful. GTN has been especially positive and supportive through the challenges of COVID-19 and continue to actively encourage all of us to be our best. It has helped me to focus forward in business and life during these difficult times. If you are looking to be professional and build a successful travel business, I highly recommend GTN.

August 1, 2020
Old Review

I absolutely LOVE being hosted by the ladies at Gifted Travel Network!

I entered the travel industry 18 months ago.

I started my travel journey in anticipation of becoming an empty nester. I knew I had to redefine myself and pursue my love of planning AND travel. I needed an "encore" career...

I knew I needed marketing and business training. Enrolling in the TravelMBA program was a necessity. The TMBA mentor, "Momma Bear" Lisa Fletcher, is amazing. The program is worth every penny.

Now that I've "graduated", I still feel confident I can get the help I need to be successful. There is a wealth of knowledge in the organization! Not only do the ladies with GTN want us to succeed, but my fellow advisors, my colleagues, are helpful and full of advice as well.

I cannot imagine being hosted anywhere else.

Well done, GTN. 👍👍

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