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July 20, 2020
I started with Cruise Planners in May 2019. I was very new to the industry. (I had started with another home-based company approximately 8 months prior, but received minimal support. In those 8 months, I only had a handful of bookings, and several of them were my own.) While attending the CLIA conference in April of 2019, I saw alot of people wearing the "CP green" shirts. So, I started asking some of them about Cruise Planners. Every single person I spoke with said they absolutely LOVED Cruise Planners and they were very happy with their decision to join the CP family. After more research, I decided to make the switch. I am extremely happy that I did! The support I've received in my first year with Cruise Planners has been fantastic. The technology is state of the art. My coaches have been very responsive to my TONS of questions. In addition, having access to the CP Facebook page has allowed me to obtain a significant amount of information from my colleagues. (Being able to ask a question on our Facebook page and immediately receive a number of responses is very helpful.) The Home Office is very responsive to feedback and to our individual needs. I truly feel that the Home Office wants me to succeed. I set a goal for myself to make the company's Top 50 list within my first five years. I was able to accomplish my goal within my first year- even with the COVID situation in full swing! I am happy to answer any questions you may have about the Cruise Planners opportunity.
April 3, 2017
Old Review

It's interesting to me that most of the reviews here are from the top agents at Cruise Planners. It is true that CP offers a great training program, but yes, it is over overwhelming, even to those of us who have been in the business before. It is true that CP offers excellent technology and tools. Where CP failed me, was in the first two years. My coaches seemed to offer nothing more than the same rote advice, there was no personalization. That has changed in the past year, with a change to the people who are coaching and the regions they are coaching. I have had regular conversations with my coach in the past year, and she has been great. Another way I feel CP failed me, was in the customer service department. I can not tell you how many times I called home office to ask a question or get information, and was greeted by someone who sounded like I was the LAST call they wanted to take, and that I was bothering them. I got the impression pretty early on, that because I was not one of the star agents at CP, that my needs were not important. I can think of maybe three people I dealt with that were pleasant and helpful, my new coach being one of them. In general, most people pay a good deal of money to join CP, yet they nickel and dime every tool they can provide to you. I feel that they way they go about some things is kind of sneaky. For example, when brochure rack was implemented. You had to opt out of it, if you didn't want it. Well, as busy as we get, it can be difficult to keep up with everything, so you either miss that memo, or forget about it, and the next thing you know you are being charged for a tool you don't want, and have not used. I was hopeful that things could work out for me at CP, but when my contract came up for renewal, and not one person reached out to me to discuss, or make me feel like a valuable member of the organization, I decided to move on. I don't want to be a part of an organization that doesn't seem to value my contributions, even if they are smaller than some others.

Host Agency Response
April 17, 2017

We can certainly appreciate Jennifer’s feelings and respect her decision to move on.

It’s very important to all of us at Cruise Planners that we support and listen to our franchise owners in order to best support them and come up with individually-tailored programs and tools to help them grow their businesses. As a franchisor, we offer a complete business in a box which includes a suite of technology tools which include a proprietary CRM system with client management, sales pipeline, live booking, group registration, mobile app (B2B & B2C), social media platform with automated posts, along with a professionally designed and fully maintained website. In addition to technology, we offer a fully turn-key marketing program which goes out on behalf of the franchise owners via print, email, web and social media marketing channels on a weekly basis. All of the above programs as included in the monthly technology access fee of $59. We are committed to bringing and actually developing the very best tools and programs in the marketplace, and our guiding principles is to do so without, “nickel & diming” our franchise owners. So I am surprised that Jennifer felt that the “Brochure Rack” program was “sneaky”, however, let me share here that CP Headquarters actually subsidized half of that program which is licensed from Mailpound for our franchisees. We did make it an opt-out program based on feedback from our advisory board of existing CP agents as it would make it easier for most, vs having to opt-in, and since it was such a great value, at such a low cost (under $5 p/month). I do apologize if it came across “sneaky” however that was never our intention, and in fact, we required upon design that the process to cancel/opt-out was built with multiple reminders and ease-of-use. We currently do not have any other like programs, but do consider partnering if it makes sense and offers benefits to our agents.

I am saddened that Jennifer felt undervalued as we strive every day to run this company as a family and EVERYONE is important. We invest a lot into our “human capital” as well in hiring the BEST of the BEST at HQ to be there to help our franchise owners succeed because, in the end, we are committed…we do NOT succeed, if they are not successful. (Period)

Cruise Planners has been named No.1 travel franchise by Entrepreneur 14 consecutive years and has been ranked as the #1 travel franchise by Franchise Business Review for 6 years in a row – both of these accolades take into account franchise satisfaction and demonstrate our strength as a company. We are committed to each franchise owner and want each to be successful by providing them with innovative marketing, booking and lead-generating tools as well as professional development and hands-on training with the industry’s top executives.

Vicky Garcia

COO & Co-Owner

Cruise Planners, an American Express Travel Representative

December 21, 2016
Old Review

When I first broke into the travel business four years ago I wanted to join Cruise Planners. At the time, I was involved in another business and did not have the funds. The expression "timing is everything" is so true. While I did join a host agency, learned a great deal and did grow my business, I was itching for something more. That something more was Cruise Planners. I went back to my research and was finally in a position to purchase my franchise. I purchased in March 2016 after many months of research. I have not looked back. Cruise Planners has helped me to grow even more in the short time I have owned my franchise. While I still have a full-time job I know that Cruise Planners will be the agency that will get me to where I can be a full-time agent.
The powerful name Cruise Planners within the industry, the support, technology, ongoing training and family atmosphere has made it the best decision I have ever made. I am proud to be part of the Cruise Planners Family.

August 11, 2016
Old Review

I've owned my Cruise Planners franchise for more than 12 years, and I would recommend this host agency to anyone looking to begin in the travel industry, as well as anyone who is a seasoned travel professional and is looking for a great host agency. Cruise Planners is progressive in every way, keeping up with today's newest technology, and maintaining a preferred status with vendors worldwide.

August 11, 2016
Old Review

Cruise Planners is an excellent company to work with. Outstanding support, innovative marketing and always at the forefront of technology and booking systems. We joined 14 years ago and it was the best decision that we could make and now 14 years later if I had to make the decision I would join Cruise Planners again!
Allison Read

August 6, 2016
Old Review

I have been with Cruise Planners since 2002 after owning my own computer networking business for 10 years. I did not have travel experience getting into this, but did have a passion for travel and wanted to continue to be an entrepreneur.

I looked into a few other travel franchises, but hands down, CP was for me....and continues to be the best decision I ever made!

I am part of the Millionaires Club now for 8 years and can credit that to hard work & commitment to my clients, I couldn't've reached these goals without the support, leadership and the incredible marketing and technology tools the CP offers us. They are always open to feedback and continue to launch the newest, cutting edge tools and programs that help me not only find new clients, service existing ones, but almost as importantly, allows me to work more efficiently so I don't have to increase my expenses, therefore increases my profitability.
I can't imagine ever having to take on all that they do for me, myself.

Along the way, I've made incredible friends at Cruise truly is a family.

The tools, marketing programs, support, training and flexibility available in a “business in a box” format are really, really impressive. The networking among colleagues is invaluable.

July 31, 2016
Old Review

I only started researching about a week ago. I've listened to a couple of CP Webinars, researched more on YouTube. So far it sounds almost to good to be true. I understand it will take hard work and I am a very hard working person. I am very excited by all the positive reviews. So far I have had correspondence with Dan at CP - - I'm extremely happy with the support, and one-on-one I already feel from CP, and the electronic marketing tools available.

July 25, 2016
Old Review

I have been with Cruise Planners since June, 2011. I was looking for a franchise opportunity to help supplement my retirement income and Cruise Planners seemed like a perfect fit. I was never in the travel industry before so I was starting from scratch and needed to make sure I found a company that would support me just as much as if I were a seasoned travel industry professional. I was right on the mark! Cruise Planners has provided me the tools, training and support to help grow my franchise into more than I ever thought it would be. I firmly believe that the support structure and technology that Cruise Planners has put in place is second to none in the industry. My business continues to grow annually and at a much faster pace than I had in my 5 year plan. So, needless to say I am thrilled with everything that Cruise Planners has brought me. Just remember, that no matter how great an opportunity is that may be sent your way, it will only be as successful as you want it to be. So, if you put in the effort to learn and use the tools that Cruise Planners has made available, you will be very successful. Purchasing my franchise is one of the best decisions I have ever made.

May 8, 2016
Old Review

Cruise Planners is an outstanding company with a great team. I purchased my franchise in 2013 and have never looked back - it was a very good decision. It takes work to be successful in any enterprise, but for me the CP family makes it fun at the same time. You couldn't ask for better leadership, technology, or support in the travel industry.

April 7, 2016
Old Review

My Wife and I just wrapped up the March training class and I can say that we’re very appreciative we met Cruise Planners at a national travel show. I have high hopes for Cruise Planners, and everybody from top to bottom far surpassed my expectations. From the positive energy of Michelle and Vicky, to the technical genius of Brian and Phill and the rest of the IT team, to the kindness and willingness to assist of the Business Development Team, everything was seamless and brilliant.

We were nervous about the first year, but we are at $35,000 and haven't even begun our fiscal year! We'll be utilizing all the tools we learned about in training and I can't wait to learn more. I'm looking forward to a long and prosperous career with Cruise Planners.

Purchasing this franchise was a great decision.

April 4, 2016
Old Review

My brother and I just came back from the training in Ft. Lauderdale. I was a travel agent with AAA for over 10 years (10 years ago)and they use excellent travel partners, have an amazing support staff and the training was top notch! Debbi Dunn was so incredible keeping everything running smoothly. We are so excited to get started and are planning on returning as a millionaire team member to help others just starting out one day! Can't say enough about this franchise so far

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