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July 20, 2020
I started with Cruise Planners in May 2019. I was very new to the industry. (I had started with another home-based company approximately 8 months prior, but received minimal support. In those 8 months, I only had a handful of bookings, and several of them were my own.) While attending the CLIA conference in April of 2019, I saw alot of people wearing the "CP green" shirts. So, I started asking some of them about Cruise Planners. Every single person I spoke with said they absolutely LOVED Cruise Planners and they were very happy with their decision to join the CP family. After more research, I decided to make the switch. I am extremely happy that I did! The support I've received in my first year with Cruise Planners has been fantastic. The technology is state of the art. My coaches have been very responsive to my TONS of questions. In addition, having access to the CP Facebook page has allowed me to obtain a significant amount of information from my colleagues. (Being able to ask a question on our Facebook page and immediately receive a number of responses is very helpful.) The Home Office is very responsive to feedback and to our individual needs. I truly feel that the Home Office wants me to succeed. I set a goal for myself to make the company's Top 50 list within my first five years. I was able to accomplish my goal within my first year- even with the COVID situation in full swing! I am happy to answer any questions you may have about the Cruise Planners opportunity.
July 24, 2024
Updated Review

I have been with Cruise Planners since 2012. I had spent thirty five years in a totally different industry, however our entire family is comprised of avid travelers so looking at a new 'fun' career in travel was not a big shift.

Over the years we have expanded our business dramatically. We work from an Executive Suites Location (not at home and not quite a storefront) and focus on giving good service and delivering on our client wishes for their travel. As a result, we have been rewarded with a great base of loyal clients.

This is made possible because we are working within a proven and successful franchise model. The access we have to state-of-the-art technology, award winning marketing programs, best-in-class training and a system wide support system comprised of Home Office Team members and fellow franchisees, makes all of us winners.

Couple this with all of the Trade Partner support and programs and we have a great reason to answer the phone when it rings!

June 16, 2023
Previous Review

My wife and I joined Cruise Planners in 2012 after successful careers in totally different industries. We were drawn to the business-in-a-box simplicity of the franchise model, the vast amount of training and education, the vendor relationships, the technology, the marketing and our passion for travel itself.

Every day I revalidate that this was a great decision. We have learned to value all of the above mentioned items, as well as the tremendous home office support, the constant improvements in client acquisition tools, client communication tools, marketing programs, proprietary technology and so much more.

I loved my previous career however I wish I had found Cruise Planners twenty years earlier.

July 19, 2024

I need to start out by saying I have been with CP a little less than a year and LOVE the company! They provide great tools and training and truly set you up for success. However, I had the unfortunate experience of dealing with a deceitful salesman (DH) who, frankly, only finds success because the product he represents sells itself. His lack of honesty was evident from our first interaction. He was clearly preoccupied with other tasks while supposedly focusing on our conversation, showing a blatant disregard for my time and concerns.

This individual’s narcissism was also unmistakable. He was more interested in talking about his achievements and how great he is rather than addressing my questions and providing genuine assistance. His sales tactics felt manipulative, making me wary of his intentions.

I strongly advise potential franchisees to be cautious when dealing with him. The product may be good, but his unprofessional behavior and dishonesty are major red flags. Save yourself the frustration and seek assistance from someone who truly values their clients and acts with integrity.

January 12, 2024
Updated Review

When I purchased my Cruise Planners franchise, I had no experience as a travel advisor. They taught me everything I needed to know and gave me great tools to use. They are always upgrading and improving their tools so that I can grow my business quickly and easily. Then there’s the culture! The leadership of Cruise Planners can’t be beat. I’ve never worked with such incredible people—and I’m 68 so I’ve worked for Fortune 500 companies and medium-sized companies too. These people are the best!

June 16, 2023
Previous Review

I purchased my Cruise Planners franchise because I felt that this company had integrity and I trusted them to help me develop a business. From Day 1, I felt supported and encouraged. My coaches were fantastic and through their help, I grew from $0 to $50k my first year to $325k my second year to $600k my third year. I had NO travel background. Cruise Planners gave me the tools to learn everything I needed to know. The pandemic was bad, but it was great because of the management of Cruise Planners. They stood by us and helped us, enabling me to stay in business and grow professionally. What company does that?! I can say without reservation that Cruise Planners is an amazing and special company. There aren't enough positive things I can say about them, and I have to admit that I really love the top leadership of Cruise Planners and all the great people who work in the Home Office. You will never meet a group of people like them. We are a family.

January 12, 2024

I have been part of the Cruise Planners Family since 2011. I say family, because that is what we are. There are many of us, but the thought process for our CP brand is success for one is success for us all. We are not competitors, we are in this together. The technology is 2nd to none, the support from Home Office is valuable and the resources of other CP Agents is at your fingertips with our FaceBook Page. There is always someone (or many) a moment away with advice. All is a recipe for success! With the challenges of the travel industry, it is good to have someone there to help.

January 12, 2024
Updated Review

I have been with Cruise Planners for almost 7 years now and I love them. Cruise Planners offers so much support and so many tools to help us out. I couldn't do this without them. Cruise Planners is the best Host Agency there is! Every day I am thankful I decided to join this organization. I will be a Cruise Planner for a long time!

August 25, 2023
Previous Review

I have been with Cruise Planners for over 6 years now and I love it! Cruise Planners home office is the most supportive group of people you will ever meet. The tools they provide us are so helpful. I had no industry experience and they have helped me grow my business. My colleagues are also super helpful and supportive. Cruise Planners is the best.

June 16, 2023
Previous Review

I started with Cruise Plannersin 2017 and love it. I did not know much about the industry and they helped me become successful. All the tools and support from home office is amazing! Could not have done this without them. All my colleagues are also very supportive. They help with questions and morale support. The constant training opportunities are incredible.

January 12, 2024

I have been with Cruise Planners for 7 years now. I was a professional Chef for over 40 years in corporate America. I never sold anything. I purchased my franchise with the expectation of selling a little travel and had no real goals. I engaged with my coaches and applied the tools that Cruise planners provided me and it has been a great run. I highly recommend this great organization. They have the best tools in the business, great support and an IT team that kills it every time. I love that we are like a family, and everyone is willing to help each other. I have made many friends that both work for Cruise Planners and other Franchise owners.

January 12, 2024

I purchased my Cruise Planners franchise in May of 2023 and I couldn't be happier! The Home Office and Executive teams are amazing! I have been to several training events and have learned so much. The technology is top-notch and everyone is willing to answer questions and help. I am very excited for many more years with Cruise Planners.

January 12, 2024

I purchased my franchise in early 2020 at an incredibly scary time for the travel industry but I would honestly do it again if I had to. Joining the Cruise Planners family was one of the best decisions of my life! Besides being able to just get myself out of the corporate world and run my agency full-time, I was also able to retire my husband from the corporate world and he now helps me run the agency. It's been a whirlwind experience and it's only been 4 years but I am incredibly grateful for our amazing leadership team at Home Office and the amazing support we get both on the technology side of things but also on the day-to-day operations via the care team. My husband and I have convinced probably over 10 families to invest in themselves and to purchase a franchise at this point. I know companies like to say they are the best all the time, even if they are not, but the amount of awards Cruise Planners wins every year from both suppliers and the industry as a whole speaks for itself. When the CEO sends you a get-well card when you're sick, you know you have found your home!

January 12, 2024

The success of our business can be greatly attributed to the incredible support we get from the Cruise Planners leaders and team. The resources they make available to us, and the backup we receive when we ask for help, are nonpareil. Systems are the most efficient I have worked with in my long career, and the IT folks are incredibly helpful when we need a hand to use them properly.

January 12, 2024

Setting sail with Cruise Planners as my guide in January 2023 has been the adventure of a lifetime. I knew I was in for a ride, but, wow, it's surpassed all expectations! What really anchors me to this incredible company is the stellar support system - coaches at the home office and fellow franchise owners aren't just colleagues; they're like navigators and cheerleaders all rolled into one.

Whether I'm penciling in a one-on-one with a coach, dropping an email with a quick query, or calling in with a challenge, the response is swift, supportive, and savvy. The home office crew has my back every step of the way. And it's not all about the nitty-gritty of business; it's about building a community, sharing the spirit of adventure, and growing together.
To the exceptional Cruise Planners team and my cohort of franchisees - thank you for filling my sails with relentless enthusiasm and guiding me through this thrilling entrepreneurial journey. Here's to the many more shared successes and the amazing adventures ahead!

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