Wondering about travel agent income? We've got data from 600+ agents who shared their income and you'll be surprised to learn how many agents earn $100k+!
We've researched our hearts out for the 2018 Best LGBTQ Blogs for Travel Agents to Follow --- No matter your niche/client demographic, these are must reads!
The results from HAR's 2017 Service Fee Survey are in! See what 700+ travel agents had to say about the kinds of fees they charge. How do yours compare?
Fraud may not be a fun party conversation but it's an important one for travel agents to have (and, in fact, Doug at ARC has some great party-worthy stories).
New Distribution Capability (NDC) is more complicated to understand than a MENSA exam. But we look on how it stands to streamline the agent booking process.
$1 - $1.4 BILLION of credit card fraud committed against the travel industry each year. How do you protect your agency? What if you get hit with fraud?