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Travel Agent Chatter

Diving into the World of Travel Agents

Hopefully by now you know we doarticles with great resources, we have a robusttravel industry events calendar and have the largest directory on the web for the travel agency community. But have you discovered our podcast yet?

Now, I’ve gotten to know a lot of you through our articles on the site but honestly, don’t you wish we could just sit down and chat?! I sure do. Like, just do some . . . I dunno, Travel Agent Chatter or something?

It’s called… [drum roll] Travel Agent Chatter (TAC). Because you know us, we just like to chat away. 🙂

Every quarter we sit down and get to know travel advisors from all walks of life. We interview new travel travel agents, veteran agents, agents who book leisure, corporate, groups, you name it!

Each ~60 minute Travel Agent Chatter show dives into the world of travel advisors. Starting and growing their travel agency. Marketing. Successes. Bumps in the road. Booking tips. Tons-o-fun! Join us!

PS: If you subscribe to the podcast—which we hope you do!—know that the TAC podcast feed is also home to our weeklyFriday 15s episodes, where we answer the industry questions you’ve submitted for 15 minutes at 12pm CT every Friday.

Podcast Episodes

Lu Maggiora, Travel by Lu
Going from Hawaii to cruises to groups, Lu has done it all. Listen in as we talk about how she keeps her groups coming back year after year.
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68 Minutes
66 Plays
Special thanks to our sponsor: WorldVia Travel Network
Becky Lukovic, Bella Travel Planning
Becky shares how she went from backpacking around Europe to selling luxury travel. It's not about the dollar sign, it's about much more. Find out what.
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67 Minutes
105 Plays
Special thanks to our sponsor: WorldVia Travel Network
Karen Hurlbut, Hurlbut Travel
Karen Hurlbut, a 35-year travel veteran, shares how she's grown her home based agency to be one of Travel Planners Internationals top 40 agents!
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51 Minutes
74 Plays
Special thanks to our sponsor: WorldVia Travel Network
Jennifer Doncsecz, VIP Vacations
HAR's Travel Agent Chatter offers agents another opportunity to learn from an industry pro, Jennifer Doncsecz of VIP vacations.
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55 Minutes
61 Plays
Special thanks to our sponsor: WorldVia Travel Network
Deb Fogarty, Be Well Travel
The third interview in Host Agency Reviews' "Travel Agent Chatter" is with Deb Fogarty, travel agent extraordinaire and owner of Be Well Travel.
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44 Minutes
101 Plays
Zachary Russell, Zetting Travel
Within his first month, he'd made his first booking and had 3-4 clients in the pipeline. Learn how he chose his host + his most effective marketing tactic.
View Details
32 Minutes
159 Plays

What will i find on the tac episode pages?

Great question, you! Besides being able to listen to the shows, we also wanted every episode to have a home base where we could list resources, people could read the show, and we could put up pics of our lovely guests! Every Travel Agent Chatter episode page will contain:
  • Audio Player: If you’re in a hurry, you can even speed up the pace to 1x, 2x, or 3x speed so I sound like a chipmunk!
  • Travel Agent Chatter Show Notes: A list of links to all the resources we mention in the show.
  • Transcription: In case you just didn’t get enough listening to it.

Wait, i have an idea for tac!

Why, that’s convenient because we’d love to hear from you. We’re always looking for travel agents with unique stories/ideas and we’d love for you to reach out! You can send a note and we’ll be in touch

A little love, por favor?

Travel Agent Chatter is relatively new in the world of podcasts (it hurt me to write that). As such, if you’re enjoying the shows, we’d love it if you’d review and rate us on iTunes or Stitcher to help others learn about the show! Your action items (should you choose to accept):
  • Subscribe so the shows auto-download and you never miss an episode!
  • Rate us or leave a review of the show on iTunes or Pandora
  • Huggles to you. Lots of huggles.