Hopefully by now you know we doarticles with great resources, we have a robusttravel industry events calendar and have the largest directory on the web for the travel agency community. But have you discovered our podcast yet?
Now, I’ve gotten to know a lot of you through our articles on the site but honestly, don’t you wish we could just sit down and chat?! I sure do. Like, just do some . . . I dunno, Travel Agent Chatter or something?
It’s called… [drum roll] Travel Agent Chatter (TAC). Because you know us, we just like to chat away. 🙂
Every quarter we sit down and get to know travel advisors from all walks of life. We interview new travel travel agents, veteran agents, agents who book leisure, corporate, groups, you name it!
Each ~60 minute Travel Agent Chatter show dives into the world of travel advisors. Starting and growing their travel agency. Marketing. Successes. Bumps in the road. Booking tips. Tons-o-fun! Join us!
PS: If you subscribe to the podcast—which we hope you do!—know that the TAC podcast feed is also home to our weeklyFriday 15s episodes, where we answer the industry questions you’ve submitted for 15 minutes at 12pm CT every Friday.