Welcome to ITB Berlin, the world's leading meeting place for the travel industry! As exhibitors, you are the heart of our event and play a crucial role in shaping the future of travel. We look forward to welcoming you to the Berlin Exhibition Grounds and together creating an unforgettable event.
You will be able to find all the necessary information on stand registration for ITB Berlin 2025 here soon.
SAVE THE DATE: Tuesday, 4 March - Thursday, 6 March 2025
You want to keep strolling along as a visitor?
Then this is your way to everything you need to know when visiting ITB Berlin, explore ITB Berlin Convention and much more:
VISIT ITB BERLIN - Tickets available in December!
You want your brand to be the spotlight on the exhibition show floor?
Then head towards the exhibitor section with many tips and tricks on how to make your trade show presence a full success:
Would you like to attend the world's largest tourism congress?
Visit the ITB Berlin Convention page.
You are a media representative or travel blogger?
The press area is all you need to discover the benefits and many services we offer for you at ITB Berlin:
You're interested in latest news of the travel industry?
Then follow us in this section to retrieve latest interviews, podcasts, videos and the like: