Call for Speakers

Speaker Applications close Monday, Sept 30th, 2024.

What is Host Week?

Glad you asked because you DO NOT want to miss this par-tay! Host Week is HAR's annual get-together the last week in January to celebrate hosted advisors and the industry that supports them. It's a virtual one-week event for advisors and prospective advisors.

It's important to note that not all advisors come looking for a new host.They come for our daily keynotes, educational sessions (EduSpots), and our best of the best host agencies award, our Luminary Awards!

That's not all folks, every day we have our Meet the Hosts/Consortia sessions where advisors looking for a host/consortium can learn more about them through HAR's interview. We end them with very insightful questions like "If your company were a dance move, what would it be and why?"

Watch past Host Weeks hereOr, if you need no convincing, go directly to our application (and do not pass go!)

Host Week Speaker Proposal 2025, Submit now!

Who Can Apply?

You, silly! Speaking is open to anyone who has a unique idea that will help travel advisors grow their business or strengthen their skillset. The one thing to note is that the presentations are educational only.

We do not allow any promoting of services/products/self during EduSpots. If you are selling a service/product and are selected as a speaker, your final slide may have your contact information and a call to action applicable to your presentation (i.e. a freebie with further education on your presentation topic).

Where Does it take Place? Is it Live?

Host Week is a 100% virtual event. EduSpots can be pre-recorded or live but we recommend doing it live so you can interact with the audience — they're incredibly friendly and have lots of great questions. :) 

If you do pre-record, you or a member of your team will be required to be in the audience during the live session to answer questions.

What Should I Know about the Presentation Requirements?

Host Week Speaker Proposal 2025, Submit now!

EduSpots will be 20 minutes long total. Plan for a little less if you want time at the end for Q&A. Your session may have a sponsor (yay!) and they will give an intro before turning it over to you.

EduSpots will take place the last week in January between 2-5pm CT. As we get closer to the date, you will be given your specific time slot.

When it comes to the format, you can chose to have a PowerPoint or another document(s) to accompany your presentation or you can go big and just have you talking to the camera. Or you could do some combo.

Panels are another format you to consider (limited to 3 panelists + moderator).

Presentation slides will be due Friday, Jan 3rd, 2025. This gives the HAR team time to review them. Recordings will be due 2-3 weeks before Host Week.

How are Speakers Chosen?

We're looking for unique takes and voices. Maybe you're an advisor that found a great way to systematize your multi-generational bookings so that no matter what the tech level of the traveler is, they can access the info.

Perhaps you're an advisor that loves tech and wants to share the 5 best travel tools you've found for your agency.

Or maybe you're looking to share how you've hacked Trello to use it during trip planning with a client. If you went from selling $3k vacations to only working with clients that have minimum bookings of $10k, we want to hear your story and how you did it. Really, the possibilities are endless!

If you're a new speaker, please apply. We know how hard it is to conquer that fear of public speaking and a virtual event is a great way to get your feet wet!

Bottom line: The more unique, helpful, and thought out your proposal, the more likely we are to love it. :)

When Will I Know if I'm Chosen as a Speaker?

Host Week Speaker Proposal 2025, Submit now!

We'll let speakers know about a week after the call for speakers closes. That will be early October 2024.


Can there be more than one presenter during the session?

Yes but we would recommend no more than 2.

Are commercial presentations allowed (where I promote/Sell something)?

Love your enthusiasm but nope.


Yuppers! Just make sure to submit an application for each one.

Is there an honorarium?

Unfortunately not. The event is free so our budget is limited. However, your session will give you exposure to thousands of advisors and will help build your case as a subject matter expert.

Anything else I should know?

The information presented must be your own.

Are pets allowed in the presentation?

Uhhhhh... ye-ah. The HAR pets occasionally make some select Host Week cameo appearances when their schedules allow. So while we understand that your pet may be very busy, we hope they can find the time to stop in and say hi.

Do your best to try to avoid interruptions during your presentation by shutting off your phone, closing the door/window to your office, and telling your family/co-workers you'll be in a meeting ahead of time.

What if I don't get selected to be a speaker?

We'll add you to the waitlist! In the meantime, you can always add a Host Week offering to our Specials Page.

Host Week Speaker Application Form