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Is it possible to sell travel utilizing just my name/brand or is it required to use yours?
Asked by Christian C. on July 24, 2024 in General

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If I’m a US citizen, I use my US LLC, my clients are US-based, and I use my US bank account, can I join your host agency even if I live in Europe?
Asked by Christian C. on July 24, 2024 in General

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Is an IC covered under your SOT permit or do they have to get their own?
Asked by TASNEEM MOTIWALA on May 29, 2024 in General

Hello Tasneem! Yes, you are covered under our agency SOTs to sell travel. You would need to obtain your own SOT if you would like to collect professional fees directly. We do have a program available to collect service fees/professional fees for you that is covered under our SOT and makes it very simple for you!

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What % commission do agents earn on booking travel for themselves?
Asked by Sarah Brumfield on March 13, 2024 in General

Hi Sarah,
Thank you for your question. Commissions are earned based on your plan split. Advisors can earn 100% commission on their personal travel based on GEM status, our Recognition and Benefit Program:

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Are agents allowed to keep 100% of their planning fee?
Asked by Chelsey Thomas on November 10, 2023 in General

You can, but it depends on where you live. If you live in California or Florida, you can't charge service fees under our Seller of Travel Licenses.

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