F15Episode 194

Client thank you gifts? Changing host agencies? Racing client for best price?


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Client thank you gifts? Changing host agencies? Racing client for best price?

In episode 193, Steph cohosts again with Lori Speers of Levarte Travel! Here are the questions they’ll cover!

1. How do I deal with a client who is searching while I am researching and I feel like I am in a race to find the best deal or price?  —Pamela C.

2. Hey Guys! I'm wondering, What are some ideas for "Thank You" gifts for my clients that are traveling to All Inclusives? I feel like it's easy to do gifts on cruises, I'm just not quite sure what to do for my land vacations. Any ideas?  —Cindy W.

3. ​​When changing Host agencies, is it possible to transfer clients and vendor information without doing it individually? As a courtesy, should I tell the agency that I am moving on to another agency?  —Pamela C.


➡️Did you miss Levare’s Host Week interview? What did they answer for their Karaoke question?!?

➡️Travel agent guide to charging fees.

➡️WATCH: Host Week 2025 EduSpot: Redefining Value Beyond Commissions: The Case for Planning Fees in Travel, Ajanaclair Wise

➡️WATCH: Host Week 2025 EduSpot: Different Ways to Surprise and Delight Your Clients, Stephanie Gries, Travefy

➡️What to think about when switching host agencies

➡️Host Agency Review’s Travel Agency Software Profiles 

➡️Things to look for in your contract with your host agency 

➡️ Virtual assistant companies: Lucia, 4TravelStaffing

➡️Read reviews and learn more on Levarte’s HAR profile

➡️Check out Levarte’s new website!

➡️Submit questions, sign up for reminders for the F15, along with that week's questions we'll be covering! https://hostagencyreviews.com/friday15 

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Steph Lee


February 06, 2025

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Levarté Travel

16 Reviews