Q & A Webinar: How To Become a Travel Agent

January 21, 2021
7pm – 8pm EDT
Q & A Webinar: How To Become a Travel Agent header

Event Details

Open to all
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If you have been thinking about becoming a Travel Agent with Luxevo Vacations, but you still have questions, this webinar is for you!

Join Burt Kramer, Founder & Chief Visionary at Luxevo Vacations this Thursday evening at 7:00PM EDT for a LIVE Q & A Webinar.

In order to attend, you must register! We encourage you to ask your top 1 or 2 questions in the form on the registration page.

There are only 100 seats available for this Live Q & A Webinar.

Register now and arrive about 10 minutes before he gets started. Register here: http://bit.ly/2RTwBv9