Is Your Host Agency Good Enough For You?

Last updatedDecember 11, 2013

This is a sponsored article written by KHM Travel Group, where the adventure begins. Choosing a host agency is one of the most important steps you take on the path to making it big as a travel agent. Home-based travel agents are the most passionate, outgoing business owners out there. They don’t stop talking about what they do when they hang up the phone with a prospect or send out e-docs for a client’s upcoming trip…they work, live, and breathe travel.

Choosing a Host is Like Dating

When you’re putting so much effort into building your travel business, you want a host agency that is going to be there to meet all your needs and more. Think about it, if you were looking for partner on a dating site, you would probably have a few “must-have” qualities. In the same respect, you would probably also have some immediate “no way” characteristics that would have you instantly hitting the delete button. Choosing a host travel agency is really no different than that (minus the awkward first date).

Break it Down by Making a List

So when choosing a host agency or evaluating your current one, make a list. Add to that list all the benefits and qualities you want in a company that is going to help you achieve your goals. To help you get started on it, we’ve put together a few of the top benefits of partnering with KHM Travel Group.

  • More Than a Host Travel Agency - We're not just a business. Our team is a group of passionate people who care…about each other, our agents, and the destinations we visit.
Giving Back During Punta Cana FAM
KHM Travel Agents and Staff donating backpacks full of school suppliers during a Punta Cana FAM.
  • High Commission Rates - Starting with your very first booking, you’ll receive some of the industry’s highest commission payouts (with no booking fees!), plus you’ll earn 100% commission on your personal travel.
  • Incredible Culture - FAM trips, Facebook groups, in-house trainings, and agent meetups are only the beginning of the ways that our agents not only grow their businesses, but also make friends for life.
KHM Destination Success Lunch
Agents chatting during lunch at a Destination Success Training.
  • Regional Development Coordinators - You’re in business for yourself, but with KHM Travel Group you’ll also have someone in your area who knows about upcoming local events and promotions.
  • Rewards for Top Producing Agents - Through our Pinnacle Elite Agent Program, we offer our top producers special perks like complimentary co-op dollars, exclusive booking incentives, VIP service desk, early access to FAMs and more.
Cheryl Mitchell - Pinnacle Elite Agent
Pinnacle Elite Agent Cheryl Mitchell
  • Personalized Help - Whether a booking question has you stumped, you need supplier information, or just want some extra advice during your training, we’re here six days a week via phone, live chat, and email.
  • E&O Insurance - Although our training teaches you all the ins-and-outs of booking travel, we still protect you and your clients with a $2 million E&O Insurance Policy.
  • Communication - Does your host agency keep you in the loop? With our online Portal, Agent Access Weekly emails, Facebook posts, and The Compass Magazine articles, you’ll stay up-to-date on the latest news and alerts.

When thinking about the rest of the items you want on your list, remember that you’re a valuable, vital part of the travel industry. Without you, the world would be full of travelers who paid way too much for a vacation that looked so much better online or who ended up stranded at the airport with no transfer to their resort. You’re the key part in the formula for success, so don’t spoil your potential on a host agency that is going to fall short. A host travel agency can be the stepping stone on your journey to travel industry success, so choose wisely. And if you’re currently in a not-so great host agency relationship, get out and try another. Remember, there are plenty of fish…host agencies in the sea, and you owe it to yourself to make sure you’re partnered with one that’s more than good enough for you.

About KHM Travel Group

Interested in starting an exciting career as a KHM Travel Group Agent? Call us at 877-220-9260 ext. 2200 or visit to learn more about our unique and comprehensive travel agent program that can be the gateway for you to start your own business, earn money and travel the world!

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Last updatedDecember 29, 2023
PublishedDecember 11, 2013