Know Your Numbers Challenge

March 28 - April 1, 2022
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Join me, Stephanie Cannon, fellow travel advisor, host of Finance Friday, and Money and Profit Strategist, as I host a free challenge on how to better know the numbers in your travel business!

I'm taking the “finance-ese” used most often in the travel industry (that often isn't discussed in enough detail) and breaking it down into bite-size, understandable elements so that you can begin to feel more confident in this area.

Day 1: We're going dive into the profitable mind and discover how the thoughts we have about money (whether aware or not) creep into our business and can limit our profit.

Day 2: We're going to determine if your business is legit and in compliance, by identifying the elements you should have, and what to do if you don’t.

Day 3: We're going to get clear on your Money Date Process and outline the steps to complete it on a routine and consistent basis.

Day 4: Bonus Day! It’s time to sort out our Money Buckets. The “thorn-in-the-side” for many advisors.  We’ll break this down and map it out so you can better understand all elements of your business finances.

Day 5: Now that you’ve got a Profitable Mind, your Money Date Process, your Money Buckets, we’ll wrap it all up with a pretty bow and have an Ask Away Q&A session.