What this site doesn't show is the good reviews that were sent in. For some reason they are no longer on this site.
I have worked with Travel Troops since the beginning and have only had positive experiences with them. Matt is extremly passionate in what he does and does it well. I have never had any issues at all.
I have full confidence and trust in Matt and Travel Troops as a host agency.
Who ever is reading these reviews please know that there are always two sides to the story.
I reviewed as a 5 initially. The first several months were good. However, I echo everybody else now. I'd like my other 5 star review removed. If he still has Troops as an official business, it is only to collect our hard-earned commissions and keep them for himself.
Travel Troops LLC has gone completely dark on most of its agents. Those agents that are still in communication are being brought over to Vacation Agent Nation. Our agency is owed in excess of $35,000. All told, it is estimated that Travel Troops LLC owes in excess of $175,000 to all agents currently trying to collect their money. Travel Troops LLC and their representatives have been completely unresponsive to all my requests for communication over the last two and a half months. There is little danger of agents signing up for Travel Troops LLC, but they are actively recruiting under a new name as Vacation Agent Nation. Matt Schumacher, Ashley Blom, and Carrie Petterson are all listed as members of this new host/agency if you call the Vacation Agent Nation phone number. I've kept this review 100% fact-based as I'm pursuing legal action.
We were an independent agency for 20 years. Then I met Matt Schumacher of Travel Troops. He painted a great picture of all he could do for me and my agency. So I joined. I have been with Matt for 2 years and for a while, things were great. About 6 months ago, I noticed I was not getting the commissions earned. Statements of what was being paid stopped. I have no idea of what bookings are being paid, not paid or which are being a "little" short.
Things finally came to a head when Travel Troops was BANNED by Sandals/Beaches Resorts. I can't book them, be on property, attend events, receive awards earned. I am a Chairman's Royal Club member and Sandals/Beaches are 85% of my booking. I am not being told what happened between Travel Troops and Sandals/Beaches but it has to be very bad if you get banned for it.
This got me even madder so I started reaching out to other former agents. Not good news. Commissions are being still being withheld after a year, communications is sometime non-existing. And all I get is excuse after excuse. "Just got back from a trip", "I was at the doctors", "my dad is ill". I can still do business when I am out of town. You would think Matt, as the owner, should be more available, honest, ethical, etc. etc. etc.
So I have resurrected my own agency. It is wonderful! I get my commissions when paid by the vendor, I am always available to myself.
Now begins the fight - getting my commissions. All I can say to those that are have a good experience - BEWARE. Things can go south very quickly with Matt.
Travel Troops has a saying "No agent left behind". Well, "the General" is leaving a long line of agents left behind.
What this site doesn't show is the good reviews that were sent in. For some reason they are no longer on this site.
I have worked with Travel Troops since the beginning and have only had positive experiences with them. Matt is extremly passionate in what he does and does it well. I have never had any issues at all.
I have full confidence and trust in Matt and Travel Troops as a host agency.
Who ever is reading these reviews please know that there are always two sides to the story.
Hey Carrie!
This is Mary from HAR! Just wanted to drop a line to let you (and all) know that we've posted all reviews that have come in for Travel Troops and all hosts. Travel Troops is a newer host listing on our site, so it's possible you may be thinking of a different site!
Thanks for posting your review!
Mary, HAR Editor
I worked with Travel Troops for a little over a year. Unfortunately, this was not a good experience at all. After broken promises, unreturned calls or emails, and dishonesty, I wanted to part ways. My major concern was the non-payment of my commission. I wouldn't get paid for months and at first, I gave the benefit of the doubt, listened to the many excuses, was extremely professional with the owner, but did not get paid.
After begging and pleading, then threatening, I received partial commission check, but I am still owed commission for travelers that returned in January. I have confirmations from the Tour Operators that they paid and checks were cashed. That's almost 6 months of without payment.
I have since moved to a different host agency due to non-payment of Travel Troops.
Please do your research before you sign up with Matt's host agency, Travel Troops. While he is a personable and cordial, good luck getting any help from this individual when you want to get paid.
In the three years that I've been part of the travel industry, never have I been so disappointed as I was with Travel Troops. This company is deceitful, unprofessional, and in no shape to run a business.
Unfortunately, after over a year with Travel Troops, I am still owed approximately $20,000 in commissions despite repeated attempts to be paid via email, phone, inbox messages, text messages, and even communications through my attorney. I tried to be understanding when the owner of the host agency told me he was investigating where the commissions were month after month. However, I stopped being understanding and patient when I started receiving copies of the cancelled checks from the suppliers proving he had been paid long before he told me he had NOT received it. If this were the case only for me - I might see where you could think perhaps that is is a review of sour grapes - but sadly, this is the case for many of his current and previous agents. Begging for your commissions and waiting, waiting, waiting, only to never receive your money is the norm for Travel Troops.
Aside from the commission issues, there are no real systems in place for agents, the owner withholds information that you need to do your job, such as who your BDM is (he prefers to make an "introduction" as a means of control), what the true commission rates are for suppliers, how to register for suppliers and somehow suppliers are frequently missing his W-9 form which also delays payments. He makes promises he cannot keep such as co-op marketing funds and "free" trips that you can use as part of your marketing, does not follow-up on requests, and cherry-picks whose emails and phone calls he will answer. If you are hoping for accurate, timely reporting of the commissions due you and what you will be paid on the next pay day (which is often late), you will be sorely disappointed because again, you can wish for it and beg for it - but you likely will not receive it.
I left this host agency at the beginning of January 2017 and frankly, I rue the day I ever signed on with them. If you are searching for a host agency, I hope you will heed the warnings of others who have had the same experience with Travel Troops and that you will see that this is a pattern of behavior and not an exception. There is a reason that so many agents have chosen to leave and work with other, more reputable hosts. Speak to BDMs in the industry, speak to former agents, and do your research - you will find that associating yourself with Travel Troops can be a true liability to your reputation and your business.
If there would have been a zero stars for this Host Agency, that's what I would have put. I was with this Host for only 6 months and in that time, I was lied to, my commissions have never been paid, numerous phone calls - emails - FB PM's have not and were not answered and promises were never kept. I signed a contract and lived up to my side, but Host has not and did not live up to their side of the contract. I am not the only agent that is having problems with this Host with getting paid for the work that I did on travel. After I left this Host, I still have been billed my monthly fee and I have turned that over to my bank.
I did my research on my Host Agency that I have now and wished I would have researched Travel Troops before joining them.
I welcome feedback.
Dishonorable Discharge: I joined Travel Troops a year a half ago when it was very hands on and the leader was truly a leader, caring about his troops with weekly calls, follow ups, and instantly returning messages. Even though many of my commissions were not paid on time, I stuck with them believing the excuses. The one excuse that made me rethink this agency was," Your bank kicked back the deposit." Imagine my banker's face when I inquired. Not possible they would or could do that. Imagine my face when another agent reached out to me to tell me that she was given the exact same excuse as to why she want's paid. I believed and trusted that Travel Troops just needed to work out some kinks. I do not believe that anymore. My trust was shattered when I had to send messages and emails just to get a small $35 commission, which was not even direct deposited in my account, as per company policy, but rather paid by Western Union. Frankly, I find it exhausting to have to chase my commissions that I've earned and sit on pins and needles hoping I will get them on time. As with most host agencies, if not all, you sign a contract. In my opinion, I feel Travel Troops did not live up to their contract regarding payment. One thing that is very important to know for your bookkeeping purposes is their contract states that the IC will get a statement of commission earned and paid to Travel Troops in the previous month. Personally, I've only gotten a few, and that was after constantly asking for them so I know what I was paid for. After working so hard selling travel, you shouldn't have to work so hard to reap the rewards. It's all fun and games until someone doesn't pay commissions on time or send reports with them. I've dishonorably discharged Travel Troops.