Company Details

  • Founded
  • Host Type
    Hybrid (Host & Travel Agency)
  • Franchise
  • Currently Accepting
    Beginner Agents, Experienced Agents
  • Accepts Agents in
  • # of Contractors
  • Annual Sales
    $3 million
  • Languages Spoken
  • Business Attributes
  • Profile Updated
  • GDS
    Not Offered
  • Consortia
  • Accreditations
  • Members of
  • Seller of Travel
  • E&O Insurance Included
  • Focuses

Program Details

  • Ticketing Service for non-GDS Agents
  • Minimum Sales Requirement
  • Lead Program
  • Leads Belong to
  • Charge for Leads
  • Education Program
  • Allows Sub-agents

Pricing & Commission

  • Military/Veteran discounts
  • Start Up Fee
  • Location requirement
    Storefront, Home-based
  • Annual Fee
  • Commission Split Range
    25% to 80%
  • Frequency of Commission Payments
  • Method of Payment

Technology & Tools

  • Marketing Programs
    Website Program
  • Leisure Tools
  • Corporate Tools
  • CRM

About Casino World Travel

Casino World Travel is recruiting home based travel agents. While experience is not necessary, it is preferred. Home based agents using Casino World Travel as their host agency will receive 25-80% commission on their bookings and no start up, annual, monthly, or hidden fees.

Training is provided for agents in the Casino World Travel network. Also included in the program is coverage under their $1 million Errors and Omissions (E&O) policy.