When to get CRM/Itin Builder; Bringing on a biz partner; How do my fees look; Do supplier ads work

Mary chats with Katie Williams from Tern. We discuss when the best time to invest in a CRM and/or travel itinerary builder, how effective using supplier advertisements are for agencies, things to consider when taking on a business partner, and our listener Michael sent us over his fees and wants to know what we think about them! 

Here's a list of helpful resources for today’s episode:

https://www.tern.travel/ (Learn more about Tern)

https://branchup.com/ (BranchUp - FREE option)

https://travelmarketingandmedia.com/allaccess/ (Travel marketing and media - Sandra McLemore, which includes paid, more of an array of marketing content from social to blog posts etc.)

https://www.travelagentcollective.com/ (Travel Agent Collective)

https://hostagencyreviews.com/blog/travel-agent-fam-trip (Find great content by going on FAMs and pushing out your FAM content throughout the year.)

https://www.wanderfullyplanned.com/ (Wanderfully planned, Julie Patterson)

https://hostagencyreviews.com/blog/travel-industry-lawyer-list (Find a travel industry attorney)

https://hostagencyreviews.com/blog/travel-agents-guide-to-charging-fees (Everything you’ve ever wanted to know about charging fees.)

https://hostagencyreviews.com/page/travel-advisor-research-reports/ (HAR’s research reports have a TON of data on charging fees. What people are charging for, how much, the fee range when it’s a variable fee, etc.) 

We do this every week! If you have travel industry questions, HAR likely has an answer :) Submit your burning question here: https://har.news/Friday15 and join us this Friday (and every Friday!) at 12CT for travel agent tips!

December 07, 2023
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