In episode 178 Steph is co-hosting with Jennifer Dugan of Dugan’s Travels! Here are the questions for this week!
1. I loved the HAR CRM and Itinerary article. My head is spinning: I've looked at so many, Planiteasy, Travefy, Traveljoy, Unmapped, Axus, Tess, Tern. Which one can I either forward the email confirmation from hotels/air/car and it will input all the details not just the confirmation, dates... like prices, room type and cancel policies, or do they all make you enter this again to create the client itinerary once finished booking the reservation? Which let you import confirmations directly from suppliers and help create itineraries?
So yes I want a unicorn, a central repository for all my client's profiles and their bookings, plus the ability to create and send itineraries...that are of course beautiful. Haha.
2. Does anyone have a place that they can recommend to track expenses? I'm using an excel spreadsheet and honestly I'm not a fan of it. -Dina
3. Hi there! I have a client wanting to go on a fall foliage tour back east this year. I already quoted her a land tour, but now she’s asking about a train tour. Walking a lot would be a problem for my client. How should I balance all of these requests and find the right suppliers? Thank you for all your feedback. -Anonymous
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Host Week EduSpot: Shifting Identities - Making Travel More Accessible.
Host Week EduSpot: Growing Your Business Through Accessible Travel.
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