3 Surefire Ways to Scale Your Business

Last updatedJune 28, 2019

If you’re reading this, your business is probably past that awkward stage and now in a comfortable spot. Your commission checks are coming in at a steadier pace, you’ve established a core group of loyal clients, and feel confident in what you’re doing. This is a great place to be! So, what’s next? It’s time to use your existing momentum to scale your business.

Smart business owners take a moment to slow down, evaluate their business needs, and take action. If that seems overwhelming, it doesn’t have to be that way! We’re sharing three surefire ways you can scale your business. Implement these and you’ll be on the fast track to meeting your desired level of success. Let’s get started!

Adding Associate Agents

Increase your network and reach by incorporating associate agents into your business structure. Agency owners that contract associate agents under them is a growing trend within the industry. In fact, most host agencies already support this model. This is definitely one of the most efficient ways to scale your business upwards. It can also be cost-efficient.

“The cost of doing business with a one-person agency averaged significantly more than our current per agent average,” said Michele Cartwright, owner of Destinations by Design. “Instead of one agent paying for a toll-free number, website, secure forms, etc., we now pool the costs at a significant per person discount that benefits every agent on our team. This allows us to provide an incredible array of products with the added benefit of serving our clients more efficiently and effectively without adding a significant expense.” 

Not familiar with the associate agent model? Essentially, they’re agents that work under you. Every agency owner expects something different from their associate agent. Perhaps they’re an extension of your business or they’re starting their own agency and you’re training them. If you do go this route, we highly suggest a contract be drafted and signed beforehand. For those that belong to ASTA, you can find an independent contractor template in their Resource section of their site.

The associate business model is a great way to help you build your business beyond booking travel!

Hiring Help

We’re definitely preaching to the choir when we say there isn’t enough time in the day to get everything done. Especially for the mundane day-to-day necessities of running a business (or soon to be empire). However, as a growing business, it’s imperative that you keep the administrative parts of your business in order. Instead of burning yourself out or neglecting them, hire someone to help you like an admin or assistant. An assistant can also focus on:

  • Qualifying any new clients or referrals
  • Researching destinations, hotels, or activities that current clients are requesting
  • Maintaining your social media pages active
  • Creating and implementing any email marketing campaigns

Thanks to the Internet, it’s extremely easy to find someone that can either freelance, help you in person, or work with you remotely. This makes it much easier to devote your time to what you do best, selling!

Supplier Takeover

Sometimes, the best way to scale your business is to let someone else take over the selling. There are options where suppliers will sell to your clients, but you reap the benefits. One of those options is Onboard Sales. Most cruise lines have a desk where clients can book their next trip before the first one is up, sometimes with an added amenity or discount. The best part is that you’re still in charge of this new booking and get the commission! This is a very valuable feature you should be telling your clients about.

If you’re looking for options before the sale is officially closed, look into hosting a “cruise night” or destination pitch presented by the supplier. No one can sell a guided vacation to Italy or a 7-night Hawaii cruise like the people offering the products in the first place. Reach out to your local supplier rep with your ideas and they’ll be more than happy to help.

“This is [also] great option for agents that don’t feel comfortable promoting a particular destination, product or brand,” said Marisabel Marty, Business Development Manager for Travel Planners International.

We guarantee it — the moment you start to implement these three tactics, you’ll see your business reach newer heights! Have other tips on how to scale your business? Share it by commenting below.

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Last updatedDecember 29, 2023
PublishedJune 28, 2019