Short, Sweet (and Free) Social Media Trainings---A Thank You Gift to Our Readers

January 24, 2013

It's been 8 months since Host Agency Reviews℠ went live. Since then, you've submitted over 550 reviews, helped us add 20 new host agencies, and (we're still amazed by this) over 15,000 of you stopped by the site in January to say hi and see what's been happening! Sure, we work hard behind the scenes, but a large part of our success has a lot to do with your support... and we think you're swell for it.

Eeek! We've got a Surprise for You!

So, to thank our loyal readers we decided to treat you to something. Something to help you grow your business and keep you pushing to be the best. Here's how it unfolded:

1. We called this woman. (If you don't know her yet, don't worry ... you will soon!) Meet Sophie Bujold, Social Media Coach for Travel Pros

Sophie Bujold

2. We chatted on various topics such as my dog, Rigel and her chinchillas, Jigsaw and Calypso. Important stuff.

The animals

3. I said to myself, "Not only was that super fun, this woman knows her stuff. I must treat my readers to some of her knowledge!" [clarification: knowledge on social media, not chinchillas]

The Details...

We've partnered with Sophie and she's creating (3) free 10-minute social media trainings exclusively for Host Agency Reviews℠ readers! While you don't need to be a Facebook whiz to keep up, the trainings are best suited for those comfortable with Facebook, ready to implement a strategy.

We know you're busy so we've broken your treat into 3 delectable, bite-sized pieces and recorded them so you can watch it while sipping your morning tea or sneak it in after you tuck the kids/dogs/chinchillas into bed. Here's what we're dishing up:

  1. The 10-minute focus finder
  2. Social media can quickly become a time-sucking vortex. Learn about the single-most important thing to do to avoid getting sucked in.
  3. Target Power
  4. Do you know whom you’re talking to online? Find out why you should and why it matters if you want to rock with social media.
  5. From cheap talk to profits
  6. Tongue-tied or feeling pointless when you post to social media? Discover the top 3 secrets to having conversations that sell. 

We'll let you know when the videos are live via our monthly newsletter but to find out ASAP, become a Facebook fan or follow us on Twitter and look for the announcements!

Wait, Wait... Bonus Materials?!

We almost forgot! While the February trainings are on us, you might just fall head over heels in love with how social media marketing can build your business and long for more info. If that's the case, you'll want to sign up for one of Sophie's programs, like her Take Flight with Facebook or Day Tripper experiences.

If you do end up joining one of Sophie's programs, let her know you're coming from Host Agency Reviews℠ and you get an added bonus with your Take Flight with Facebook or Day Tripper program! You'll receive a free 30-minute session with Sophie where she'll look over your Facebook page and recommend some options to improve it. It's not good forever so if you're going to sign up, do it before March 15th, 2013 to get the free 30-minute session!

Finally, if you like fun little surprises every now and again, make sure to sign up for our newsletter! We like surprises too and our monthly newsletter is full of 'em. 🙂

In Closing

What a year, what a year, what a year! Actually, it hasn't even been a year... but we are profoundly grateful for the wonderful support we've received from our readers the past 8 months! Seriously, we appreciate every single comment, email, phone call, tweet, and post. Can you feel the sparkles and smiles we're sending your way? Thank you.

If you like what you read, join 42,217 agents and sign up for our monthly newsletter for more helpful articles and drop by our home based travel agent resources page.

About the Author
Steph Lee - Host Agency Reviews

Steph Lee

Steph grew up in the travel industry, helping on and off with her mom's homebased travel agency. She has worked with thousands of agents in her role as a former host agency director before leaving in 2012 to start HAR. She's insatiably curious, loves her pups Fennec and Orion, and -- in case you haven't noticed -- is pretty quirky and free-spirited.

If you’re looking for Steph, she leaves a trace where ever she goes! You can find her on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn (her fav) and Pinterest as 'iamstephly'. 🙂 You can also catch her on her Substack, Bumblin' Around, where she writes on things outside the world of HAR.