MTravel Offers Agents 90% Commission Option

Last updatedFebruary 24, 2015

Montrose Travel has unveiled their highest commission level for its home based travel agent hosting program, MTravel. Qualified agents will now receive a 90/10 commission split with the host agency, with the lion’s share in favor of the agent.

Gathering Agent Feedback for New Program

Formerly capping their commission split at 80/20, MTravel’s new “Executive Agent” level was introduced to provide their agents with further incentive to grow their businesses. Prior to the launch of the new program, the host conducted personal consultations with many of its independent contractors to gather their feedback on their needs as an MTravel affiliate.

“We already knew we wanted to be able to offer the 90% option,” said MTravel President, Andi Mysza. “Making it a reality involved evaluating the financial impact to ensure this new program made good business sense, both for our agents and for us as a host.”

Keeping Things Simple

Andi Mysza, President of MTravel

One of the key challenges to making the program work was MTravel’s “inclusive” hosting model, which bundles its hosting services and tools for one annual fee rather than charging ancillary or monthly fees. “We concluded that unbundling our services would have resulted in the nickel-and-diming structure we’ve worked so hard to avoid since our inception,” said Mysza. “Our new 90/10 program will allow successful agents to earn more while still working within the simple fee structure we’ve always had.”

Mysza also indicated she expected the new 90% option to motivate their existing independent contractors to grow their business as well as attract new independent travel professionals to their family.

“We’re excited about the new changes,’ said Peggy Prosser, independent travel professional with MTravel and owner of D-Travel. “We aim to reach the higher level and have established plans for the 2015 year!”

New Program Available Now

Enrollment in the Executive Agent program is available now and open to any qualified current or future affiliate of MTravel. Interested agents can learn more by contacting the host at 800-870-5799 or emailing MTravel Business Development Manager, Emily Peters at [email protected]

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Last updatedDecember 29, 2023
PublishedFebruary 24, 2015