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February 18, 2024
I've been with Travel Quest Network for almost six months now, and I have to say I am very happy with them as my host agency. I spent quite a bit of time digging through the reviews with HAR, and after attending the course for HAR, I narrowed my list down to 3 host agencies with TQN being one of them. They checked all the boxes for me, and I'm glad that I'm with them. They offer a good blend of support, while being hands off enough to let me run my business. They have lots of in person event options, trainings and their commission model is fair and easy to understand. The best part of them I feel, is that they are constantly upgrading their platform. Whether its the CRM, Itinerary builder, suppliers or trainings, it feels like they're trying to get better and better every month. The facebook groups, connections, and chats also enhance the experience for new travel agencies. I'm very happy that I chose them and can't wait to see what new things they'll keep rolling out in the future.
July 27, 2012
Old Review

I have been with Travel Quest for about 18 months and I don’t know how I got along without them! I was an experienced travel agent of 14 years when I joined but still the knowledge & experiences I have gained with them has been outstanding. I had no plans of joining a host agency and wasn’t even ‘looking’ when another agent told me about Travel Quest and suggested I join. It took her a year to convince me and I wish I would have listened sooner. Bonnie & the staff are a delight to work with, friendly, always quick to reply to questions, extremely knowledgeable and a fun group to know!

July 27, 2012
Old Review

I met Bonnie around 2000 when she won the Iris Award from MLT. I was so impressed with her energy and love for travel. She had this cute yellow volkswagon with tour operator logos all over it. "I wanted to be like Bonnie" In 2008 when I was looking for a new host agency I found Bonnie and Travel Quest at the Homebased Travel Show in Vegas. Nothing had changed over the years, she was just as energetic and still had the passion for travel. This energy and passion is present with everyone that works for Travel Quest. So I joined TQ and now I can be like Bonnie and the crew.

July 20, 2012
Old Review

I have been with Travel Quest since January 2011 and have never had an issue. I was brand new to travel selling world and used their online courses to help me get aquainted with the booking systems. The support staff have always been prompt and with the volume they do, the commissions rates are great :)

July 18, 2012
Old Review

I have been with Travel Quest for about 2 years now. When I decided to become an independent agent, I researched many different travel host companies. Travel Quest was one of the few that seemed like a good pick. I couldn’t have been more right. They have helped me in so many ways with little questions to some big hairy situations. And they have come out shining each time. For anyone looking for a travel host company, I high recommend the wonder people at Travel Quest!

July 12, 2012
Old Review

This agency is run very professionally and yet keeps a very personal touch. They respond quickly to any request, are knowledgeable, friendly, personable and inovative. Their industry relationships are excellent, which is great for my bottom line.
My partner and I love them!

July 3, 2012
Old Review

After a ton of research and a giant spreadsheet comparing the benefits of different host agencies, I finally settled on TQ... and I'm so glad I did! As a new agent, they have been very supportive while getting my company off the ground. Everyone in the office is super helpful and always happy to answer even my most ridiculous questions. :) The outside agents I've met through TQ are wonderful as well, and have made a great support team while I've been learning the industry. I know I wouldn't be nearly as successful today if I hadn't picked TQ as my host agency.

June 15, 2012
Old Review

Travel Quest is fantastic! After searching high and low, I was able to find the best host agency around. I am relatively new in travel and they offer not only the training opportunities that new agents need; they offer very personalized service and support for all of their agents. Bonnie, Walt, and the entire staff at Travel Quest are the ultimate in personalized service! It is no wonder that the agency is so successful. I am thrilled to be a part of such an amazing organization.

June 7, 2012
Old Review

What an awesome host agency! I've been with them for 4 years. I wouldn't change a thing. I love the family feel you get with Travel Quest. When I call they know who I am. It's nice to feel as if I'm not alone in running this business. The staff is warm and friendly and willing to help me succeed in my business!

May 9, 2012
Old Review

As no two snowflakes are exactly alike, neither are any two host agencies, or even agents for that matter. That’s why selecting the right host agency for you and your business needs is a critical part of your agency development. It was no different for me.
I was with a host agency before I was with Travel Quest. It was a great Agency, but there were something’s that I didn’t like at all. That’s what sparked my quest for a new host agency, leading me to no other than Travel Quest, the very best host agency in the whole entire world!!
This statement is not at all exaggerated. I LOVE THIS HOST AGENCY, and cannot imagine ever leaving here! They are a small-town family owned and operated agency, with big benefits for their agents. They are the farthest from the “corporate feel” you get with some of these bigger host agencies. With Travel Quest, you are not a number, but a person, and a very important one at that. They have an excellent support team that can help you whenever you need it. They are so accommodating and polite; I just love talking with them! If you ever need anything, just ask, they will get you the right information, or put you in contact with the right people, so all your questions are resolved in a very timely manner.
They really are the most amazing host agency, Check them out! They say that 80% of your results come from 20% of your people, please let TQ become the people to generate your results; You will be very pleased you did!!

May 8, 2012
Old Review

I have been with Travel Quest for almost two years and can't imagine going to a different Host Agency. Bonnie and the staff are amazing to work with and are always there to help you and guide you when you need it. They are also amazing at promoting the accomplishments of their agents! Even before you sign on, you feel as though you are part of a large family and are given tons of support.

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