F15Episode 137.0

Part-time Agencies Frowned Upon? IC or Employee – Benefits and Drawbacks? TA Trust Accounts?


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Part-time Agencies Frowned Upon? IC or Employee – Benefits and Drawbacks? TA Trust Accounts?

In episode 137 Steph has a new co-host! Join Scott Wismont, owner of Rainbow Getaways, as we dive into great questions you’ve been kind enough to submit. :)

  1. We break down if hosts and consortia look down upon advisors that are part-time, including what % of advisors are full time.
  2. When we hear from an advisor with a background in entrepreneurship who is struggling to make a go of things as a self-employed agent, we answer if going the employee route is right for her. Including what income you can make as an employee and some things to think about if you want to start as an employee and make the leap to self-employed later on.
  3. Lastly, what the heck is a trust account, which advisors need them, and what for?


https://hostagencyreviews.com/friday15 (Submit questions, sign up for reminders for the F15, along with that week's questions we'll be covering!)

https://hostagencyreviews.com/hostweek (Register for HAR’s Host Week event!)

https://hostagencyreviews.com/page/travel-advisor-research-reports/ (HAR’s annual reports with information on the % of advisors that work FT.)

https://hostagencyreviews.com/blog/travel-mlms (More information on travel MLMs, or multi-level marketing/direct sales/pyramid schemes.)

https://hostagencyreviews.com/blog/independent-travel-agent-contracts#redflags (Red flags to look for in travel agent contracts)

https://hostagencyreviews.com/blog/the-dangers-of-independent-contractor-travel-agent-misclassification (The dangers of a host agency misclassifying an independent contractor as an employee.)

https://www.travelagewest.com/Podcasts/Humans-of-Travel/humans-of-travel-podcast-rose-gray (Interview with Rose Gray of Fox World Travel. Advice for new advisors at 8:40.)

https://hostagencyreviews.com/blog/the-employee-travel-advisor-research-report-summary-2023 (HAR’s 2023 travel advisor employee report with data on income, benefits, etc.)

https://hostagencyreviews.com/travel-jobs (Check out the travel agent jobs out there and sign up for our weekly job alerts!)

https://hostagencyreviews.com/hosts/rainbow-getaways (Rainbow Getaways HAR profile)

https://hostagencyreviews.com/travel-conferences-events/2024/exploring-the-benefits-of-an-lgbtq-host-agency-0cea8c59-671c-49b0-a46d-9dc1a7ccf6ee-b0c49261-73bd-4fef-8f2c-dbad2b1d5162 (Join Scott’s webinar February 12th, 2024 on Exploring the Benefits of an LGBTQ+ Host Agency)

https://hostagencyreviews.com/blog/travel-agent-license (More information on the states that have seller of travel laws and what that means in terms of an IC handling money from clients.)

We do this every week! If you have travel industry questions, HAR likely has an answer :) Submit your burning question here: https://har.news/Friday15 and join us this Friday (and every Friday!) at 12CT for travel agent tips!

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Steph Lee


January 05, 2024

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Rainbow Getaways

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