F15Episode 163

2 DBAs under 1 LLC? Off-the-books flight-booking? Are agency fees a red flag?


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2 DBAs under 1 LLC? Off-the-books flight-booking? Are agency fees a red flag?

In episode 163 Steph is co-hosting with Lindsay Taylor of Travel Leaders 365, If you have a question for Steph and her co-hosts, please submit it here for a future episode: https://hostagencyreviews.com/friday15 !

1. I work as an independent contractor so I already have an LLC for non travel related business. I was wondering if I could just add a "second" DBA and use the same LLC to start the travel business but continue to work on my full time job as another name. So basically 2 DBAs under one LLC? I live in Florida. Thanks! —Anonymous

2. Hello, so I live in the US and want to help people in Guyana, South America purchase flights to travel to and from the US and charge a small fee. I want to use sites like Priceline and Expedia and Booking to purchase the flights. Sort of an off the books business. Is this possible? —Mike S. 

3. Hi, I’m curious about startup/yearly/monthly fees. I keep reading that it's a red flag if a travel host charges. In your opinion and experience, what do you want to look for when searching for a host? Thanks! –Jamie K.


https://hostagencyreviews.com/blog/travel-agency-business-structures (The options for your travel agency’s business structure — pros and cons)

https://hostagencyreviews.com/page/travel-advisor-research-reports/ (Travel agent survey data on fee charging practices: what they charge for, how much, fee structures and more.)

https://hostagencyreviews.com/page/travel-advisor-research-reports/ (Travel agent survey data on fee charging practices: what they charge for, how much, fee structures and more.)

https://www2.arccorp.com/support-training/fraud-prevention/ (ARC’s fraud prevention webinar)

https://hostagencyreviews.com/blog/travel-agency-debit-memo (What is a travel agency debit memo?)

https://hostagencyreviews.com/blog/what-is-gds (In-depth information on what the GDS, global distribution system, is and which travel advisors use it.)

https://hostagencyreviews.com/hosts/travel-leaders-365 (TL 365’s HAR profile)

https://TL365.com (TL 365’s website)

ltaylor@tl365.com (Lindsay’s email address)

https://hostagencyreviews.com/friday15 (Submit questions, sign up for reminders for the F15, along with that week's questions we'll be covering!) 

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Steph Lee


July 05, 2024

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