Is your love language travel? Sharing your passion for travel with your clients? If so, I am here to speak your love language, dear advisor.
If you attended HAR's 2025 Host Week, you know that we're pretty big on grand gestures when it comes to expressing our love (and possibly dorkiness) for travel advisors and the industry at large. (Karaoke, anyone?)
While Host Week is our grand gesture to advisors, these social shareables are a more subdued expression of our love for you. It's a gift that keeps on giving . . . we give them to you, and you pass them on to your clients. We added a few more new ones into the mix! It's a small token of our big love for you!
Happy Valentine's Day!
~ Mary & the HAR Crew
Aren't they stinkin' cute? I had a lot fun making them for you! The only thing that would make it more fun is if I could bring it to school and drop it into your Valentine's Day decorated lunch bag or shoebox! But we still have our throwbacks! Look on!
There are pun lovers . . .
. . . and then there are serious pun lovers!
Is a love poem more your style? How about one with classic imagery, and a little bittersweetness, and tongue-in-cheek humor?
We love (to discard) emotional baggage! Your clients will love it too.
I hope you can feel the love, dear travel agents. (We made them just for you.) Happy Valentine's Day. ❤️
The HAR Crew