VTC vs. CTD, answering client fee questions, and accreditation first or applying to host first

Welcome to Friday 15! In episode 113 Steph chats about getting a VTC accreditation as an independent agent or to make a CTD with a company, answering client fee questions and whether to get an accreditation first or apply to host first.

Here's a list of helpful resources for today’s episode:

  1. https://hostagencyreviews.com/friday15 (Submit questions, sign up for reminders for the F15, along with that week's questions we'll be covering!)
  2. https://hostagencyreviews.com/blog/travel-agent-fam-trip (New article on what FAM trips are, how to find them, and how to go on one!)
  3. https://hostagencyreviews.com/newsletter (Sign up for HAR’s newsletter to get alert when Call for Speakers opens)
  4. https://hostagencyreviews.com/blog/what-is-gds (More on the GDS: What it is and if you need it.)
  5. https://hostagencyreviews.com/blog/become-corporate-travel-agent (How to become a corporate travel advisor.)
  6. https://hostagencyreviews.com/blog/travel-agency-accreditation (What are the travel agency accreditation options, including VTC and CTD?)
  7. https://hostagencyreviews.com/blog/travel-agent-commissions#airlinecommissions (A little more on what you can expect when it comes to airline commissions.)
  8. https://www2.arccorp.com/globalassets/ara-ctdra/ctdra.pdf (Section 8.3 goes over personnel requirements for CTD agencies.)
  9. https://hostagencyreviews.com/blog/hosted-travel-advisor-income-fee-report-2022 (Find all sorts of fee information in our annual travel advisor report! What % of advisors charge fees, what for, and how much.)
  10. https://hostagencyreviews.com/blog/travel-agents-guide-to-charging-fees (Verbiage from 50+ advisors on how they communicate fees.)
  11. https://hostagencyreviews.com/blog/seller-travel-laws-service-fees (Familiarize yourself with seller of travel laws and fees if you live in, or have clients in: FL, WA, CA, HI)
  12. https://hostagencyreviews.com/hosts/outside-agents-com (Outside Agents’ profile on HAR)

We do this every week! If you have travel industry questions, HAR likely has an answer :) Submit your burning question here Har.News/Friday15 and join us this Friday (and every Friday!) at 12CT for travel agent tips! ❤️ If you found the video helpful, we'd love it if you could give it a like, drop us a comment! 💬

July 05, 2023
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