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Hello, Steph here! Yes, I’m real. And yes, we do answer all of the questions that come in. 🙂

One thing to mention though, the site currently gets 60,000 visits/mo, which means I get a lot of emails… and sometimes my inbox gets overloaded. To try to get you an answer quicker (it can take me a bit sometimes), I put this together:

Here’s a list of the most Frequently Asked Questions:

I’m overwhelmed! Where do I even start?

A great place to start is by checking out the “Most Popular Articles” Section of the Home Based Travel Agent Resources page.

I can definitely help out with specific questions. What I can’t do is explain everything about the travel industry in an email. Well, I could, but I hope you could see why that isn’t the best use of my time. I’m happy to help out and the best way I can help you is if you’ve done some research beforehand.

By reading the articles on the Resources Page, it helps you gain a base level of knowledge and I can help you fill in the gaps!

Which host agency would you recommend for me?

In terms of recommendations, there are a lot of variables in recommending (including a good cultural fit) and I honestly believe the agent is the best one to chose the host. The agent know themselves, their needs, and their company’s needs much better than I do!

That said, I know it’s tough to figure things out so won’t leave you standing there with no direction. 🙂 I wrote an article called Tips on Finding a Host Agency that walks you through some of the things I think an agent should be asking themselves in their search. It even has an Excel sheet with questions you can ask a host agency plus a video which goes over everything I’d talk with you about if I had the time!

Still Have Questions?

Drop us a line via our social media channels or the contact us form below. And, of course, there’s always good old snail mail!! Seriously, who doesn’t love a good postcard?

Host Agency Reviews

c/o Stephanie Lee

PO Box 68072

111 E 26th Street, Suite B, Minneapolis, MN 55404