Join Our Free Webinar: Protecting Your Travel Agency from CC Fraud

September 4, 2014

Oh my goodness, you guys. Do I ever have a treat for you! As a follow-up to our last article on travel agency fraud, we're putting on a webinar with ARC. We're going to help make sure you're up-to-date on how you can best protect your agency from fraud, as well as know best practices for if you are hit with fraud.

Travel agency fraud

I'm excited about a fraud webinar? It's totally nerdy, I know. But, here's why I'm excited. Jennifer from ARC is fantastic. She's got a passion for helping agencies and is on a mission to get the word out... and I love people like that. Why?

The Truth: Why I'm Passionate about Fraud Education

Awhile back, my family's agency was hit with fraud and here's a few things I'll share with you:

Simply put, we were blissfully unaware of fraud. It blindsided us.

Because we were a bit naive to the whole fraud thing, not only did we not take any preventative measures, but once it happened, we were clueless about next steps. And let me tell you, that's a really horrible feeling on top of an already horrific situation.

That's why I'm excited to be able to partner with Jennifer and ARC. We really want to educate the travel agencies out there on fraud. The less blissfully unaware agencies out there, the better.

The Travel Agency Fraud Webinar Details

So, details! Here ya go...


Anyone! New, experienced. Storefront, home based. Employees, owners. Independent, hosted. GDS agents, non-GDS agents.


Absolutely nothing... except maybe a big thank you to Jennifer for sharing all her knowledge!


Heck yeah! We'd absolutely love that. Feel free to share away (share links at top of article) and send it to anyone that you think could benefit.


Date: Wednesday, September 17th, 2014. Time: 2-3pm ET (1 CT, 11amPT)

Travel Agency Credit Card Fraud Webinar


Big picture: How to spot red flags for fraud and the resources to know if you are a victim of fraud.

More specifically:

  1. The credit card acceptance process – authorization through settlement
  2. Tips for dealing with “friendly fraud”
  3. Best practices for managing risk in a card not present world
  4. The credit card chargeback policy
  5. Basic tips to increase your chances of “winning” chargebacks


First off, we'll miss you. But don't worry about a thing, lil' darling.... see our next question.


Why yes, we are! In fact, our webinar has ended an you can no longer sign up! But we have it on our YouTube channel for those of you that want to view it again or couldn't make it the first time around. To check it out, subscribe to our YouTube channel or join 39,638 agents and sign up for our monthly newsletter.

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About the Author
Steph Lee - Host Agency Reviews

Steph Lee

Steph grew up in the travel industry, helping on and off with her mom's homebased travel agency. She has worked with thousands of agents in her role as a former host agency director before leaving in 2012 to start HAR. She's insatiably curious, loves her pups Fennec and Orion, and -- in case you haven't noticed -- is pretty quirky and free-spirited.

If you’re looking for Steph, she leaves a trace where ever she goes! You can find her on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn (her fav) and Pinterest as 'iamstephly'. 🙂 You can also catch her on her Substack, Bumblin' Around, where she writes on things outside the world of HAR.